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6. They were very_________ (年轻的).

7.  This book is ___________(新的),but that one is ________( 旧的 ).

8.  He __________(学习) hard.  He isn’t lazy.

9.  A: What day is __________ (在…之后) Tuesday ?   B: It’s Wednesday .

Ⅸ、根据问句选答句, 把正确的序号写在题前的括号内。 (12分)

(    ) 1. Will you phone me?                 A. It’s ninety.

(    ) 2. How many children?                B. There are nineteen.

(    ) 3. What will we see?                  C. I’ll be a film star.

(    ) 4. What will you be?                  D. We’ll see Big Ben.

(    ) 5. What’s sixty plus thirty?             E. Yes, he will.

(    ) 6. Will Sam go, too?                  F. Yes, I will.

Ⅹ、阅读理解,根据短文内容判断正( T )误( F )。(8分)

(   )1. Linlin is a girl and she’s 18.

(   )2. Linlin is quiet.

(   )3. Her grandparents are very young now.

(   )4. They have got a cute dog.



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