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一、 把下列单词翻译成英语:

1.大的           2.高的            3.长的           4.圆的

5.新的           6.宽的            7.古老的          8.来自

9.关于           10.非常           11.河流          12.伦敦

13.桥            14. 参观             15.钟            16.(个子)高的

17.安静的         18. 英语          19.科学          20.有帮助的

二、 选词填空:

(   ) 1.Look _____ this book.          A. over   B. at     C. on

(   ) 2.It‘s _______ London.           A. of     B. at     C. about

(   ) 3.I’m _______ London.           A. from   B. on    C. at

(   ) 4.This river is very ____ and ____.  A.big/high  B.long/wide  C.short/tall

(   ) 5.I _______ visit London.         A. go to   B. want to  C. am

(   ) 6.You ____ see Tower Bridge.     A. will     B. want    C. are

(   ) 7.It‘s a big _____ eye.            A. round   B. long    C. wide

(   ) 8.You’ll _____ on the London Eye.  A.go      B.doing   C.going

(   ) 9.This house is very _____ .        A. long    B. round   C. old

(   ) 10. Big Ben is a very ______.   A.new colck  B. new Bridge  C.old clock

三、 完型填空:

Amy:    Look at this book. It‘s about London. I’m _______ London.

Lingling: This river ______ very wide.

Amy:    And it‘s very long. It’s the River Thames.

Amy:    This is Big Ben.

Lingling: It‘s very tall. What is it?

Amy:    It’s a very ______ clock.

Lingling: And look at this big wheel. It‘s very high.

Amy:    It’s new. It‘s the London Eye.

Lingling: Eye? ________ my eyes?

Amy: Yes.

Lingling: It’s ____ big round eye! Ahh!

四、 把下列句子译成英语(注意书写规则):

1. 它是关于伦敦的。    ____________________________________.

2. 这条河非常宽。      ____________________________________.

3. 它是个非常古老的钟。____________________________________.

4. 这是大苯钟。        ____________________________________.

5. 你将会喜爱伦敦。    ____________________________________.

6. 你将会看到一条长长的小河。________________________________.



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