您当前所在位置:首页 > 小学 > 三年级 > 英语 > 三年级英语试卷





A:Hello,Lingling. What do you do at school ?

B: 1

A: Do you have Art in the morning? A. What do you have in the afternoon?

B: 2 I have Chinese. B.No, I don’t.

A: 3 C. Yes, she does.

B: I have English , Music and PE in D.I have classes.

the afternoon. 4 E. Do you have PE in the afternoon?

A:Yes , I do. Does Amy have Maths in the afternoon?

B: 5 And she likes Maths very much.

1.________ 2.__________ 3._________ 4._________ 5._________



( )1. What do you do on Sundays? A. I have Music.

( )2. What does xiaomei have in the morning? B. I watch TV.

( )3.Do you sleep in the morning? C. They’re monkeys.

( )4. What do you have at school? D. Yes, I do.

( )5. What are they? E. She has PE in the moring.


My name is Sam. I like football. I play football on Saturdays. Daming likes football, too. He plays football on Saturdays. And he rides his bike on Sundays. Amy likes watching TV. She watches TV in the afternoon.


( ) 1. Sam likes basketball..

( ) 2. Sam plays football on Sundays.

( ) 3. Daming likes football.

( ) 4. Sam rides his bike on Sundays.

( ) 5. Amy watches TV in the afternoon.

附加题: 根据汉语意思完成句子。(本题10分,每小题2分)

1、It’s _________ (温暖的) in spring .

2、Summer is a nice _________ (季节) .

3、We play in the _________(雪 ) in winter.

4、I have _______ (课程).

5、I ________(骑) my bike in the morning .



1. Maths

2. Monday

3. sleep

4. very

5. cool

二选择与你所听到内容相符的图片。(本题1 0分,每小题2分)

1.I have Music in the afternoon.


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