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尽快地掌握知识,迅速提高学习能力,由威廉希尔app 为您提供的小学三年级英语上册期末综合试卷,希望给您带来启发!

Listening Part 听力部分(30分)

一、Listen and tick.听一听,勾一勾。听两遍录音,在你听到的正确图片前的编号下打√。(10分)

1、A                             B

2.  A                        B

3.   A                            B

4.   A                          B

5.  A                             B

6.  A                         B

7.  A                           B

8.  A                             B

9.  A                            B

10.  A                         B

二、Listen and choose.请听两遍录音,选出你所听到的句子,将番号写在题前括号内。(共10分)

(    )1.  A. Good morning, Ms Wang.     B. Good afternoon, Mr Li.

(    )2.  It’s a cap .                     B. It’s a cat.

(    )3.  A. This is his grandpa.           B. This is his grandma.

(    )4.  A. The bag is in the desk.         B. The bag is on the desk.

(    )5.  A. Her name is Lingling.         B. Her name is Amy.

三、Listen and number. 请听两遍录音,根据你听到的顺序,为下列图片标上正确的序号。(共10分)

(    )                           (    )

(    )                  (    )                 (    )

Writing Part 笔试部分(20分)

一、Read and choose.根据句子内容选择正确的图片,并把正确图片的编号填在题前括号内。(共5分)

(    )1. This is my teacher.

A.                 B .

(    )2. How old are you?

— I’m nine.

A.                B.

(    )3.Point to the window.

A.                       B.

(    )4. Goodbye. Miss Liu

A.                   B.

(   )5. It is a bird

A.                    B.

二、Read and find and write Chinese读一读,找一找。在每个句子中找出一个颜色单词,在它下面划上横线并把它的中文写在题后的括号里。(5分)

例如:It’s orange. (  橙色的 )

1. It’s a black dog.(         )

2. This is red.(         )

3. My bag is green.(         )

4. His nose is blue.(         )

5. It’s a yellow pencil. (         )

三、Read and Choose.给下边的句子选出正确的答语,把它的编号填在题前括号内。(共10分)

(    )1. —Good morning, Amy?

— _______.

A. Good morning, Lingling.

B. Good afternoon, Lingling.

(    )2. —What’s your name?

— _______.

A. I’m fine , thank you.

B. I’m Sam.

(    )3. —Is it a pen?

— _______.

A. Yes, it is.

B. No, it isn’t.

(    )4. —What’s this?

— _______.

A. It’s a ball.

B. It’s a book.

(    )5. —How many girls?

— _______.

A. Four.

B. Eleven

一、Listen and tick.听一听,勾一勾。听两遍录音在你听到的正确图片前的编号下打√。(共10分)

1. I’m Daming

2. It’ a dog.

3. Please stand up.

4. He is a doctor.

5. Birthday cake

6. Seven pandas.

7. It’s a chair.

8. It’s a cat

9. This is Mr Li.

10. It’s a panda.

二、Listen and choose. 请听两遍录音,选出你所听到的句子,将编号填写在题前括号内。(共10分)

1. Good morning, Ms Wang.      2. It’ a cat.

3. This is his grandpa.               4. The bag is in the desk.

5. Her name is Amy.

三、Listen and number. 请听两遍录音,根据你听到的顺序,为下列图片标上正确的序号。(共10分)

1. He is a driver.

2. It’s a nose.

3. Hello, boys.

4. It’s a cat.

5. Point to hi.



一、每小题1分,共10分。  B B A B A BBABA

二、每小题2分,共10分。 AB A A B

三、每小题2分,共10分。  2-4-3-5-1


一、 每小题1分,共5分。   AABB A

二、 每小题1分,共5分。  (略)

三、 每小题2分,共10分。 ABABA






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