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一、    补全单词,选出所缺字母,把序号写在括号里。10分

(   )1.b__dy(身体)         A. o         B. a

(   )2.f_ _ t(脚)        A. ee        B. oo

(   )3. h_ _t(受伤的)   A. ar         B. ur

(   )4. to_ _ to(西红柿)   A. ta       B.ma

(   )5. br_ _ d(面包)          A.ea          B. rr

(    )6. sch_ _ l(学校)        A. ee           B. oo

(    )7. h_ _d(头)            A. ar          B.ea

(    )8. matt_ _(事情)        A.en            B.er

(    )9. b_ d(不好的)       A. a            B. e

(    )10.cla_ _(班级)         A.ss            B. rr


(  ) 1. A.tiger B.milk C.bird D. cat

(  ) 2. A.red B. yellow C. head D. orange

(  ) 3. A.green B.yellow C. white D.water

(  ) 4. A.animal B.dog C.monkey D. bear

(  ) 5. A.crayon B.eraser C.pencil D.cat

(  ) 6. A.arm B.leg C. fish D. eye

(  ) 7. A.cat B.egg C.apple D.rice

三.   选择题,读下列句子,将正确序号填在题前的括号里。(10分)

(  )1.It has a________ tail.     A. long      B. old       C. arm

(  )2. What do you want _____ dinner ?  A. to   B. at    C. for

(  )3. My ____ birthday is in August. A. mom's  B. mom    C. dad

(  )4. I am 8 ______old.I can do my homework.

A. year  B. year's  C. years

(  )5. I’m _____ Class 2.     A. An        B. a          C. In

(  )6. I have  _____hair.    A.small       B.long        C.big

(  )7.  _____ the matter . A. What’s     B. How     C. When

(  )8. My birthday is _____December. A. to      B. in       C. at

(  )9. I ____  a rabbit.     A. have       B. has       C. it

(   )10.____give us wool.A.plants  B.sheep

四. 根据所给问句,选择正确的答句,将序号填在题前的括号里。(7分)

1.(  )What's your name?         A. Yes,I do.

2.(  )How old are you ?          B. I want some bread for breakfast.

3.(  )What should I wear in winter?      C. My name is Fangfang.

4.(  )What's the matter?         D. My birthday is in September.

5.(  )Do you have a pet?         E.You should wear gloves in winter.

6.(  )When is your birthday?             F. My foot hurts.

7.(  )What do you want for breakfast?    G. I am 9 years old.

五.选词填空 (10分)

hand    arm    foot    leg   ear

六 阅读理解,判断对错,对的打“T”,错的打“F”。(6分)

Hello, my name is Binbin.  I’m 9 years old.  I am in Class 3 . My birthday is in December.  My teacher(老师)is Ms Zhao. She(她) has long hair and big eyes.  I have a dog. It is white . It likes to eat(吃)meat.

(    ) 1. Binbin is 9 years old.

(    ) 2. Binbin’s birthday is in July.

(    ) 3.Binbin’s teacher is Ms Li.

(    ) 4.Binbin has a dog .

(    ) 5.Ms Zhao has long hair and big eyes.

(    ) 6.Binbin’s  dog likes to eat rice.






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