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1. I can see a (spider/koala).

2. Can you (run/ride) fast?

3. What can you (see/do)?

4. Amy can jump far. She is the (winner/winter).

5. Do you (that/want) some noodles?



(      ) 1. A. knife     B. chopsticks   C. fork        D. lovely

(      ) 2. A. dog      B. snake       C. animal      D. elephant

(      ) 3. A. bus      B. English      C. train        D. car

(      ) 4. A. running   B. play        C. using       D. drawing

(      ) 5. A. shoes     B. clothes     C. sweater      D. shorts


1.water the flowers

2.make a cake

3.run fast

4.jump far

5.play football

七、选择填空。( 10分 )

(      ) 1. We use chopsticks in China. It’s ___for English people.

A.easy            B. good         C. hard

(      ) 2. Can I have  ______ ice cream ?

A. /                 B. an            C. a

(      ) 3. What are you ____?

A. eat              B. eating          C. eats

(      ) 4. Do you use chopsticks in China ?

班级                           姓名                  成绩

Yes, we _______ .

A. aren’t             B. do            C. isn’t

(      ) 5. The ducks are _______  now.

A. coming           B. come          C. comeing

(      ) 6. ----What are those?

----_____ are ducks.

A. They            B.  It           C.This

(      ) 7. Let’s _____ in the park.

A. walking           B. walk            C. walks

(      ) 8. Can you play basketball?

No, I ______ .

A. can’t              B. are             C. is

(      ) 9. ----Can I have some sweets?

----No, ______.

A. I can’t            B. you can        C. you can’t

(      ) 10. I’m ______. I want to eat some bread.

A. thirsty            B. hungry         C. angry


(      ) 1. What are these ?                 A. No, I can’t.

(      ) 2. Can I come in ?                  B. I’m eating chips.

(      ) 3. What is Amy doing ?             C. She is making a cake.

(      ) 4. Can you jump far?               D. Yes, you can.

(      ) 5. What are you eating ?             E. They are books.


1. This dog _______ run.

2. This bird _______fly.

3. This kid ________walk.

4. This koala ______climb.

5. This duck ______swim.

班级                           姓名                  成绩


(      ) 1. 你想问对方正在吃什么,你应说:

A. What are you eating ?    B. What are you doing ?

(      ) 2. 你想告诉对方英国人使用刀叉, 你应说:

A. English people don’t use a knife and fork.

B. English people use a knife and fork.

(      ) 3. 你想问对方能不能跑的快, 你应说:

A. Can you run fast?

B. Can you jump far?

(      ) 4. 你想请求吃一支冰激凌, 你应说:

A. Can you have an ice cream ?

B. Can I have an ice cream ?

(      ) 5. 当别人询问你Can you play football?下列哪种回答正确:

A. No, I can’t.    B. No, I don’t.

希望提供的2015年三年级英语上册期中试卷,能够切实的帮助到大家,威廉希尔app 愿意成为大家最忠实的朋友跟大家一起迎接即将到来的期中考试!





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