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5. Where is your mother? (答案)

A. at home

B. in the room

C. in the office

原: She is at home.

6. How does Bob go to school? (答案)

A. He walks B. By bus C. By bike

原:By bus.


一. Read and choose.

(答案)1. word A. 单词 B. 工作

(答案)2. look A. 书 B. 看,瞧

(答案)3. Australia A. 澳大利亚 B. 美国

(答案)4. how A. 如何,怎样 B. 现在

(答案)5. fourteen A. 十四 B. 四十

(答案)6. quarter A. 一刻钟 B. 半

(答案)7. get up A. 起床 B. 上学

(答案)8. subway A. 地铁 B. 无轨电车

(答案)9. go home A. 回家 B. 上班

(答案)10. go to school A. 上班 B. 上学

二. Read and choose.

(答案)1. It’s 8 a.m. It’s time for ____

A. TV B. class

(答案)2. I ____ eight. How old ______ you?

A. am, is B. am, are

(答案)3. Where ______ Mr Li? He ______ at home.

A. is, are B. is, is

(答案)4. Where’s the toilet? It’s ______.

A. over there B. under the chair.

(答案)5. How many _________ can you see? I can see one

A. rulers B. ruler

(答案)6. Hurry up! Don’t be late ________ school.

A. too B. for

三. Read and match.

(答案)1. Where is the pen? A. She is my mother

(答案)2. Look! What’s that? B. It’s in the desk.

(答案)3. Who’s that? C. It’s a kite.

(答案)4. Where is Miss Wang? D. Fine, thank you.

(答案)5. How are you? E. That’s Bob.

(答案)6. Who’s she? F. She’s in the office.

四. Choose the right answer to fill in the blanks. (看图完成句子)

1. Thank you.

2. Good morning.

3. Nice to meet you, too.

4. Where are you from?


A: Good morning!

B: 答案!

A: This is my friend, Nancy

B: Nice to meet you.

C: 答案

B: 答案

C: I am from the USA.

B: Welcome to our school!

C: 答案

如何把英语这门基础学科学好大概是很多学生都发愁的问题,威廉希尔app 为大家提供了三年级第二学期英语期末卷,希望同学们多多练习,不断进步!





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