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5. Lingling is at home, too. ( )




1. She’s got a cough.

2. People row on this lake.

3. Can you run fast?

4. I’ve got a pet dog.

5. Chopsticks are easy for Chinese people.

6. Let’ s fix the kite.

7. Please go and make a cake instead.

8. I can go to the shop for an ice cream.

9. You are a clever boy.

10. Lingling is ill. She is at home.


1. I’m eating dumplings.

2. In England, people use a knife and fork.

3. They are making a cake.

4. He is going to do long jump.

5. There are two stone monkeys.


1. There are some stone camels.

2. I’m going to be a driver.

3. The boy can run fast.

4. I’ve got a computer game.

5. This fish can swim.

Ⅳ、听音,给下面的句子用数字(1,2,3,4,5)标上序号。 (5分)

( 1 ) These ducks are very naughty.

( 2 ) I can go to the shop for an ice cream.

( 3 )Lingling is eating noodles.

( 4 ) This bird can’t fly.

( 5 ) Are you going to go to Hong Kong?

Ⅴ、听音,连线。 (10分)

1. Mingming has got a stomach ache.

2. Lili has got a cold.

3.Fangfang has got a cough.

4.Xiaoyong has got a headache.

5.What has Dongdong got? He has got a test today.


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