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听力部分 40%

Ⅰ.听辨单词 10%

A) 听录音,从A,B,C三个选项中选择你所听到的内容,并将其序号填入题前括号内。每小题读两遍。

( )三年级第二学期英语期中测试题:1. A.family B.from C.friend

( ) 2. A.USA B.UK C.China

( ) 3. A.bag B.big C.pig

( ) 4. A.father B.mother C.brother

( ) 5. A.he B,she C. it

B) 听录音,选出与你听到的单词相符的图片,并将其序号填入提前括号内。每小题读两遍。

( ) 1.A. B. C.

( ) 2.A. B. C.

( ) 3.A. B. C.

( ) 4.A. B. C.

( ) 5.A. 10 B. 6 C. 4


( ) 1. A.Who’s that boy? B.Who’s that man? C.Who’s that woman?

( ) 2. A.Is he your father? B.Is she your mother? C.Is she your sister?

( ) 3. A.She is my sister. B.She is my mother. C.She is my grandma.

( ) 4. A.It’s tall. B.It’s short. C.It’s fat.

( ) 5. A.This is my friend. B.This is my family. C.This is my father.


1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( )

Ⅳ.听录音,选择正确答语。每小题读两遍。 10%

( ) 1. A.It’s so tall. B.It has a long nose. C.It’s thin.

( ) 2. A.He’s my father. B.He’s my brother. C.She’s my mom.

( ) 3. A.I’m from Canada. B.I’m Amy. C.I’m ten years old.

( ) 4. A.Nice to meet you. B,I’m fine. C.Nice to see you too.

( ) 5. A.Yes,she is. B.Yes,he is. C.No, he is.

笔试部分 60%


A) 用手写体写出下列单词,注意大小写。10%

bag milk China student hand


grandfather giraffe pupil Australia family


( ) 1. A.ten B.six C.pig D.two

( ) 2. A.bag B.big C.small D.long

( ) 3. A.father B.mother C.brother D.man

( ) 4. A.OK B.USA C.UK D.Australia

( ) 5. A.eye B.thin B.ear D.nose

Ⅲ.单项选择。 10%

( ) 1. ---We have two new friends today. ---__________.

A.Good morning. B.Goodbye. C.Welcome.

( ) 2. ---Where are you from? ---________________.

A.I’m from Zhengzhou. B.My name’s David. C.I’m a boy.

( ) 3. ---Who’s that boy? ---____________.

A.She’s Amy. B.He’s Mike. C.I’m May.

( ) 4. ---Who’s that ________? ---He’s my father.

A.man B.woman C.boy

( ) 5. She ______ from Canada.But I ______ from China.

A.is;is B.is;am C.am;am

( ) 6. ---Is he your father? ---__________.

A.Yes,he isn’t. B.No,he isn’t. C.No,he is.

( ) 7. ---Nice to see you again. ---_________________.

A. Nice to see you. B.Nice to meet you too. C.Nice to see you too.

( ) 8. ---Let’s play. ---________.

A.Hi! B.OK. C.Good.

( ) 9. Don’t ________ the animals.

A.give B.has C.feed

( ) 10.---Here you are. ---___________.

A.OK. B.Great. C.Thanks.


1. She’s a new student. _________________________

2. Welcome back to school. __________________________

3. Look at that monkey. __________________________

4. It has small eyes and big ears.__________________________

5. Where are you from. __________________________



( ) 1. ---Who’s that man? ---He’s my father

( ) 2. ---We have two new students today. ---Welcome.

( ) 3. ---Who’s that woman?Is she your grandma? ---No,she isn’t.

( ) 4. ---Your brother? ---Yes,he is.He is Tim.

( ) 5. ---Hi,I’m Amy. I’m from the UK.

A. B. C.





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