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( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( )

二. 听录音,根据所听内容的顺序将下列句子排序。(6分)

( )小学英语3B期中考试题 :Where is my robot?

( ) That pencil is for you, Sam.

( ) Is this your skirt?

( ) What’s that?

( ) That’s not my book.

( ) This isn’t your pen.


( ) 1.A Yes, it is. B. Yes, please.

( )2.A.It’s over there. B. It’s a schoolbag.

( ) 3.A.It’s blue. B. It’s a jacket.

( ) 4.A. Thank you. B. No. it isn’t.

( ) 5.A .No, thank you. B. I’m sorry, Mr Green.

( ) 6.A. How nice! B. It's green.

( ) 7.A .It's over there. B. Come in, please .


( )1.你想告诉别人这是你的橡皮时,你应该说:_________

( )2.你想问别人那是不是她的蜡笔时,你应该说:_________

( )3.你想告诉别人这是你的东西时,你应该说:_________

( )4你想让别人打开窗户时,你应该说:_________

( )5.你想告诉别人不要喝你的牛奶时,你应该说:_________


1. _______ is a ________.

2.________ is my pencil? It's _______the book.

3.Look at my ________ jacket. _______ nice!



( )1. A.on B.under C. no

( )2. A.rubber B.ruler C. Robot

( )3. A.run B.shout C.box

( )4. A.desk B.bird C.chair

( )5. A.open B.door C. sit


1.我的钢笔___________ 2.在椅子上__________

3.不要跑_____________ 4.进来______________

5.坐下_______________ 6.开门_______________

7.in the tree ____________ 8.here you are__________

9.That isn’t my pencil.__________ 10.Where's my lunch box?___________


( )1.What’s this? A.Yes,Mr Green.

( )2.Please open the window. B.It’s a pencil case.

( )3.Good morning , class. C.Yes , it is.

( )4.Would you like a sweet? D.I’m sorry.

( )5.Don’t sleep in class. E.No , thank you.

( )6.Is that your pen? F.Good morning , Miss Li.

( )7.Where’s the bird? G.Hello , Sam.

( )8.Hello , Bobby. H.It’s in the tree.


( )1. that your crayon? Yes, .

A. Is , it is. B.Is , it isn’t. C. Are, they are.

( )2.This rubber is for you. .

A. Yes. B. OK. C. Thank you.

( )3.Is that parrot? No, isn’t

A. you, it B your, he C. your, it

( )4. is this?

A. What B What’s C. what

( )5.Where ’s my schoolbag?

A. That’s my schoolbag. B It’s my schoolbag. C. It’s on the desk.

( )6.当你想告诉别人这不是你的书时,你应该说:

A. I’m sorry. B This is your book. C. This isn’t my book.

( )7.当你想询问别人那是否是他的钢笔时,你会说:

A. That is your pen. B. Is that your pencil? C. Is that your pen?

( )8.当你想询问你的橡皮在哪里时,你应该说:

A. What’s that? B where’s my rubber? C. Where’s my ruler?

( )9.当你要给别人某件东西时,你会说:

A. This is for you. B. Thank you. C. Is this for you?

( )10.当你想告诉别人东西在远处时,你应该说:

A. Where’s my car? B It’s over there. C. That is your book.

( )11.天气很冷,外面刮大风,你可以说:

A. Open the window, please. B.Close the window, please.

( )12.看到一只漂亮的小鸟,你会说:

A.How beautiful! B.Thank you.


A. No B. Hello C. like D. Don’t E. eat F. about G. sorry

A: _______. Helen!

B:Shh, _______ shout!

A: Would you _______ a cake?

B: _______, thank you.

A: What _______ a sweet?

B: No! Don’t _______ in the library.

A: I’m _______.


A.Thank you.

B. Hello, Ellen. Is this my rubber?

C. No, it isn’t. It’s my rubber.

D. Hello, Mike.

E. Where’s my rubber?

F. Look! It’s under the chair. Here you are.

( ) ( ) ( ) ( E ) ( ) ( )

七.连词成句。(注意标点符号) (10分)

1. this Is schoolbag your ( ? )


2. my is Where pencil ( ? )


3. isn’t This my rubber ( . )


4. is This for Bobby you ( ,. )


5. not Do Yang Ling drink ( , . )




1, What ‘s this ? It’s a crayon.

2, Don’t talk in class.

3,That’s a ruler.

4, It’s behind the door

5,Is this your pencil case? Yes, it is.

6,Look at my rubber? How nice.


1,That’s not my book.

2,That pencil is for you, Sam.

3, Where is my robot?

4,What’s that?

5,This isn’t your pen.

6,Is this your skirt?


1, Would you like some sweets?

2, Where’s the skirt?

3, What colour is my jacket?

4, Is this a pen?

5, Don’t open your book.

6,Look at my cap.

7,I’m sorry.


1,Is this your rubber?

2,Is that her crayon?

3,This isn’t my ruler.

4,Open the window,please.

5,Drink the milk, please.


1. This is a pencil.

2.where is my pencil? It's in the book.

3.Look at my new jacket. How nice.





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