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一、 Listen and number.(听一听,排一排)

( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( )

二、Listen and choose.(听音选择)

三年级英语下学期期中检测题:( )1. A. on B. in C. under

( )2. A. seven B. eleven C. twelve

( )3. A. bird B. tree C. bed

( )4. A. bear B. baby C. body

( )5. A. fat B. face C. feet

三、Listen and choose.(听音选择)

( )1. A. This is my head. B. This is my hand.

( )2. A. He is a driver. B. She is a nurse.

( )3. A. What are they? B. What are these?

( )4. A. Where` s the orange cat? B. How many cats?

( )5.A. Is it under the bed? B. Is it under the tree?

四、 Listen and tick or cross.(听音打“√”或“×”)

( )1)

( )2)

( )3)

( )4)

( )5)

五、Look, listen and tick or cross.(听音,判断对错)

3( ) 4( )

2( )

1( ) 5( )


六、Look and match. (看图连线)

1) A.This is a panda.

2) B.These are my eyes.

3) C.They are pigs.

4) D.These are hats.

5) E.Is it a bird?

Yes, it is.

七、Look and choose (看图填序号)

( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( )

八、Read and choose. 情景选择:

1. 你想叫Amy 指着她的鼻子,你会说:

A.Point to your nose. B. Point to her nose.

2. 你想夸Daming 是一个好孩子,你会说:

A.Thank you. B. Good boy.

3. 你想告诉Sam, 你的叔叔是名警察,你会说:

A.He is a policeman. B. He is a doctor.

4. 你想和Tom 一起数一数树上有几只小鸟,你会说:

A.Let’s count. B. Let’s go.

5. 你找不到你的蜡笔了,你会说:

A.It’s in your schoolbag. B.Where’s my crayon?





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