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【摘要】2014年寒假已经来到,相信很多同学既充满惊喜,又夹杂着烦恼。喜得是寒假带给自己的自由与欢乐,忧的是老师布置的寒假作业没办法完成。为了帮助大家合理高效的安排寒假学习,威廉希尔app 小学频道为大家提供小学三年级寒假英语周记精选,让大家度过一个快乐轻松的寒假!

On New Year's Eve, we got together at my grandparents' home. We had a big dinner with 10 courses. However, the whole chicken, whole duck and the pork leg were not touched. My grandparents said that they would have finished those first when they were young. Obviously, times had changed. We just picked some delicious seafood. After dinner, I went outside with my cousins. We lit fireworks and firecracker. The dark sky became colorful. We shouted and jumped when we saw the fireworks shooting into the sky and exploded into leaves and flowers, gold, red, green or purple. Some of my cousins held the firecrackers in their hands and lit them and then threw them up. The firecrackers cracked up in the sky and made all of us laugh heartily.We played and played until midnight. At that time, all the kids lit their fireworks and firecrackers at the same time. The whole sky was lit up in a moment and happy noise made whole neighborhood very high with excitement. What a great evening!






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