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【摘要】小朋友们,放寒假的时候是不是很快就完成老师布置的寒假作业了呢?写完以后为了不会忘记自己学过的知识,就请三年级的同学来练习威廉希尔app 整理的寒假作业期中测试卷吧!


1.( ) A. book B. ball C. black

2.( ) A. talk B. milk C. desk

3.( ) A. open B. close C. crayon

4.( ) A. pencil B. pen C. pencil case

5.( ) A. under B. behind C. beside

6.( ) A. rubber B. ruler C. robot

7.( ) A. stand up B. sit down C. drink milk

8.( ) A. in the desk B. behind the desk C. under the desk

9.( ) A. come in B. over there C. How beautiful !

10( ) A. Don’t shout . B. Don’t sleep . C. Don’t run.


( ) Look at the parrot .

( ) Is this your pencil case ?

( ) Open your English book , Liu Tao .

( ) What’s that over there ?

( ) Don’t run in the classroom .

( ) Sit down , please .

( ) Where is my mother ?

( ) The robot is behind the tree.


1.( ) A. No, thank you . B. Yes , Mr Green . C. It’s nice .

2.( ) A. Yes , please . B. Yes , it is . C. I’m sorry .

3.( ) A. No, it isn’t . B. It’s in the tree . C. It’s on the tree .

4.( ) A.It’s behind the door . B. It’s a door . C. Yes , it’s a door .

5.( ) A. No, it’s a schoolbag . B. It’s a schoolbag . C. It’s red .

6.( ) A. It’s in my bag. B.She’s in the library. C. He’s in the classroom


1.A: Please open the .

B: Yes , Miss Li .

2. A: This is for you .

B: Thank you .

3. A: Don’t in the library .

B: I’m sorry .

4. A: is my ruler ?

B: It’ s the desk .

5. A: Is that your ?

B: No , it isn’t .

笔试部分 (70分)


( ) 1. close nice ( ) 2. open robot ( ) 3. sorry come

( ) 4. apple crayon ( ) 5. cat that ( ) 6. please book


1. 她的铅笔____________________ 2. 在那里____________________

3. 一只大蛋糕____________________ 4. 这只午餐盒____________________

5. what about____________________ 6. on the floor____________________

7. 想要________________________ 8. 你的牛奶____________________

9. 在图书馆里____________________ 10. fly away______________________

11. 在树上的小鸟__________________ 12. the apple on the tree______________

13. 黑白相间____________________ 14. 一件旧夹克____________________


( )1. It’s hot . ________ the window, please. A. Close B. open C. Open

( ) 2. ______ your book and read the story(故事). A. Close B. Open C. Look

( ) 3. You are late. _________. A. OK, Miss Li. B. I’m sorry, Miss Li. C. OK.

( ) 4. __________ to your friend, please. A. Shout B. Talk C. Eat

( ) 5. I’d like ___________. A. some milks B. a glass of milk C. some sweet

( ) 6. Don’t ______. My sister is sleeping. A. run B. sleep C. shout


1. 请看黑板,同学们。 Please _________ at the __________, class.

2. 让我开窗。 _________ me ________ the window.

3. Close the window, please. (否定句) _______ ________ the window, please.

4. Don’t run away, Helen. (肯定句) ______ away, Helen.

5. Would you like a sweet? (否定回答) ________ __________.

6. Stand up, please. (反义句) _________ ________, please.

7. That is my English book. (一般疑问句) ________ that ________ English book?


1. beside, she , tree, is , the ( . )

2. not , a , red , that , car , is ( . )

3. this , a , beautiful , is bird ( ? )

4. is , your , where , pencil case , new ( ? )

5. you , thank , are , here , you (. . )

六、从 II栏中找出与I栏相对应的答语。(6分)

( )1. Please sit down. A. How nice!

( )2. What’s that? B. He’s behind the door.

( )3. This is my doll. C. It’s in the bag.

( )4. Where’s Bobby? D. It’s a bag.

( )5. Where is the egg? E. Yes, it is.

( )6. Is this your CD?. F. Yes, Mr. Green.


Tim: Where’s my cap? Where’s my cap?

Mike: Don’t shout,Tim.

Tim: I can’t find(找到) my cap.

Mike: Is it behind the door? Close the door,please.

Tim: No,it’s not here.

Mike: Open your big English book. Is it in the book?

Tim: No, it’s not here.

Mike: Oh , no. Touch(触摸) your head (头).

Tim: Oh ,I’m sorry , Mike. My cap is on my head .

( )1.Tim can’t find his

A . cup B. cat C. cap

( )2.The cap behind the door .

A. is B . isn’t C . are

( )3.Is this cap in the book?

A. Yes ,it is . B . No ,it is . C . No ,it isn’t .

( )4. “ your head .”Mike said.

A . Eat B. Shout C. Touch

( )5 .Tim found(找到) his cap at last.(最后)

A . on his head B . in the book . C . behind the door


1. 请开门。好的,格林老师。

_______ ________ _________ _________ . _______ , Mr. Green .

2. 不要喊叫。我很抱歉。 _______ ________ . _______ _________ .

3. 这是你的橡皮吗?不,它不是。

_______ ________ _________ _________ ?_______ , _________ _________ .

4. 那是你的笔袋吗?是的,它是。

_______ ________ _________ _________ ?_______ , _________ _________ .

5. 小鸟在哪里?它在课桌下面。

_______ _________ _________ ? _______ ________ _________ _________ .



1. book 2. desk 3. crayon 4. pencil 5. behind

6. robot 7. stand up 8. under the desk 9. How beautiful 10. don’t sleep


1. Where is my mother ?

2. Is this your pencil ?

3. What’s that over there ?

4. open your English book , Liu Tao .

5. The robot is behind the tree .

6. Sit down , please .

7. Look at the parrot

8.Don’t run in the classroom .



1. Would you like a hot dog ?

2. Don’t talk in class .

3. Where is the bird ?

4. What’s that ?

5. Is this a big book ?

6. Where ‘s Mike ?


1. Please open the window . Yes , Miss Li .

2. This pie is for you . Thank you .

3. Don’t eat in the library . I’m sorry .

4. Where is my ruler ? It’ s on the desk .

5. Is that your bird ? No , it isn’t .





更多精彩内容尽在: 小学 > 三年级 > 英语 > 三年级英语寒假作业        


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