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时间过的很快,这一学期的期中考试即将到来,老师、家长、学生纷纷要写期中评语。威廉希尔app 小学频道为大家准备了一年级英语老师期中评语,希望对大家有所帮助。



You are a bright, lively and lovely little girl. School discipline in the school to comply with regulations, collective concern, there are strong collective sense of honor. Class attendance seriously, and actively raised their hands to speak, learning strong drilling. Due diligence work classes, students can play in the play a leading role. Sometimes, however, not serious work. I hope you continue to exercise the new semester in themselves, improve themselves, beyond their own.


The eyes of the teacher, you are so intelligent, so careful, and students can get along. Class to listen carefully and actively raised their hands to speak, the work of a conscientious and responsible classes are worthy of being called a good teacher aides, as well as the good students. Study hard, good results. I hope you in the new year continue to work hard for every success in the future


You are a clever clever, lively and lovely boy. Usually in school discipline, treatment of learning, a certain degree of responsibility and ambition. Indeed, your ambition that you get good results. Teachers believe that you learn in the future life will be better, right? Teachers are looking forward to that day.


You are a lively and active girl, warm and generous, discipline, respect for teachers. Good performance, there is a certain collective sense of honor. If you study hard and then some, and perseverance can do, you will be even greater progress. In the new year, you will work harder, right? Believe they will succeed!


You are a quiet, introverted little boy. Respect for teachers in school, love students, schools comply with the rules and regulations. When we know our mistakes and can correct them, seriously listen to the teaching of teachers. Has been relatively good in math. I hope that you learn in the future, in the language subjects more efforts, more than usual to see the level of extra-curricular books to improve writing, and constantly tap their own potential, I believe you will be more outstanding!







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