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【编者按】威廉希尔app 小学频道为大家收集整理了最及时、丰富的中考信息资讯,希望小编整理的小学英语六年级上册寒假作业汇集,能够为大家解除疑惑。


一、选出每组中不同类的单词。(10分) ( ) 1. A. fruit B tasty C. fresh D.sour ( ) 2. A. mutton B. tofu C. Beef D.fish ( ) 3. A. cabbage B. grape C. eggplant D.bike ( ) 4. A. lunch B. music C. dinner D.breakfast ( ) 5. A. Monday B. cloudy C. Wednesday D. Tuesday 二、按要求写单词。(共10分) 1.January(简写形式)_____________ 2.September(简写形式)_____________ 3.have(过去式) _____________ 4. who’s完全形式) ___________ 5.leaf(复数形式)_____________  6.swim(ing形式)_____________ 7.three (序数 )_____________ 8. heavy(比较级)_____________ 9. right ( 反义词) _____________ 10 .do ( 第三人称单数)_____________ 三、英汉互译:(每小题1分,共10分) 1.上周末 _________________ 2.去游泳_________________ 3.去钓鱼_________________ 4.去郊游 _________________ 5.看电视_________________ 6.wash clothes _________________ 7.visit grandparents _________________ 8.listen to music _________________ 9.play football _________________ 10.go to the park _________________ 四、选择合适的答案。(10分) ( )1.当你询问同学新来的校长是谁时,你应说:_______ A. Who’s that man ? B. Who’s our new teacher ? C. Who’s our new principal ? ( ) 2.当你告诉别人你的同学迈克很风趣时,你说:________ A. She’s very funny. B. You are funny. C. He’s very funny. ( )3.当你询问今天是星期几时,你应说:_________ A. What is it day ? B. What it is today ? C. What day is it today ? ( )4.当你询问别人星期二的课程安排时,你应说:_________ A. What day do you have on Tuesdays ? B. What do you have on Tuesdays ? C. What do you like on Tuesdays ? ( )5.当别人对你说“Thank you”时,你应说:________ A. You’re welcome. B. What do you have ? C. What would you like for lunch ? 五、选择。(20分) ( ) 1. Is there a river ? ___________ A.Yes, it is. B. No, there isn’t. C. Yes, there are. ( ) 2. There_____two pictures. A. is B. are C. be ( ) 3.The bridge is_______the river. A. on B. under C. over ( ) 4. There are many tall_______in the city. A. bridge B. buildings C. villages ( ) 5. Are there________pictures on the wall? A. a B. some C. any ( ) 6. I can run______the grass. A. under B. on C. behind ( ) 7.There is a forest the nature park. A.in B.on C. under ( ) 8.__________is it today ? A. What B. What day C. How day ( ) 9.The potatoes are healthy______tasty. A. and B. but C. or ( ) 10. There is end table. A. a B. an C. and ( ) 11.Igo to the park ____ foot. A. in B.on C. at ( ) 12.Let’s_____________together A. watches TV B. watches TV C. watching TV D. to watch TV ( ) 13.---What’s the weather like in summer? ------- A. It’s sunny and hot B. It’s too cold C. It’s cool D. It’s windy ( )1 4. why do you like winter best? A.I can go hiking B.I can go swimming C.I can go shopping ( ) 15. Does she have a computer? _________________ A.Yes, she do B.No ,she does C.No, she doesn’t ( )1 6. ----Do they like __________kites?---------Yes, they do . A.fly B.flying C.flys D.flying ( ) 17.Jack is __________to his good friends. A.writing B.write C.writes D.writeing ( ) 18.Betty:Are they flying kites? Amy:_________________ A.Yes, they aren’t B.No, they are C.No, they aren’t D.OK ( )1 9.Sarah: _____________________ Amy: He is counting insects A.what are you doing ? B.what is DaMing doing ? C.what are they doing ? D.what is kate doing ? ( ) 20.----when is Teachers’ Day? ------------ A.It’s September 10th B.It’s October 1st C.It’s June 1st D.It’s November 20th 六、连词成句。(10分) 1. went I to park a yesterday __________________________________________________? 2. matter with you what’s the ___________________________________________________? 3. the do you what on weekend do usually ____________________________________________________? 4. are you what going to do _____________________________________________________? 5. visit I’m tomorrow my going grandparents to ______________________________________________________. 七、从I栏选出与II栏相对应的句子。(14分) ( )1.How far is it from here ? A. You can take bus No.8 ( )2.Where’s the stop ? B.It’s over there. ( ) 3.Thank you very much . C. SuHai is younger than me . ( )4.Do the tigers run faster than the pandas ? D.You’re welcome . ( ) 5.Who’s younger,you or SuHai? E . It’s about two kilometers away. ( )6.What time did you get up ? F. Yes,they do. ( )7.How can I get there? G.At seven o’clock. 八、阅读短文,选择合适的答案。(10分) This is a big nature park. In the park there is a forest and some mountains. On the mountains there are many trees and some beautiful flowers. There is much grass, too. There is a long path on the mountain. We can walk there. There are two lakes in the park. One is big, and one is small. We can swim and fish there. What can you see in the lake? Wow, there are many fish. What a nice park! ( ) 1. The nature park is _________. A. small B. big C.long ( ) 2. There are some trees, flowers, _________ on the mountains. A. grass and a path B. a lake C. a river ( ) 3. We can walk on the _________ path. A. short B. long C. clean ( ) 4. We can see ________ lakes in the park. A. 2 B. 3 C. 4 ( ) 5. A: Are there any fish in the lake? B: __________. A: Yes. B. No. C. Sorry, I don’t know. 九、小作文(6分) 用英语简单介绍一下自己的情况。包括姓名、年龄、爱好、家庭、学习等方面。 __________________________________________________________________________



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