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1. 节日快乐    holiday fun

2. 回到学校    come back to school

3. 国庆假日之后 after the National Day holiday

4. 放假你去了哪儿?   Where did you go for the holiday?

5. 打电话给你   call you

6. 在家     at home

7. 去上海   go to Shanghai

8. 拜访我的阿姨   visit my aunt

9. 去外滩    go to the Bund

10. 参观上海博物馆 visit the Shanghai Museum

11. 看见许多有趣的事  see many interesting things

12. 你的假日怎么样?   How was your holiday?

13. 有趣的事  great fun

14. 我们的家人  our family

15. 去农场  go to a farm

16. 在星星湖边   near Star Lake

17. 摘了一些橘子   pick some oranges

18. 去钓鱼  go fishing

19. 钓了一条大鱼  catch a big fish

20. 想要把鱼给你   want to give you the fish

21. 长城   Great Wall

22. 故宫   Palace Museum

23. 颐和园   Summer Palace

24. 天安门广场   Tian’anmen Square

25. 谈论你的旅游经历  talk about your travel experiences

26. 为我摘只橘子  pick an orange for me

27. 想要树上的一只橘子  want an orange from the tree

28. 想要海里的一条鱼   want a fish from the sea

29. 三个主要的学校假日  three main school holidays

30. 在英国  in the UK

31. 复活节假期   the Easter holiday

32. 暑假   the summer holiday

33. 圣诞假期  the Christmas holiday

34. 该吃晚饭了。   It is time for dinner.

35. 回家晚了 come home late

36. 举行一场时装秀   have a fashion show

37. 喜爱漂亮的衣服  love beautiful clothes

38. 对时装表演很兴奋  be excited about/at the fashion show (be excited by 被……而激动;be excited for 因/为……而激动;be excited at 与be excited about常互用,后+v-ing. )

39. 喜爱时装秀   love fashion shows

40. 多么有趣!   What great fun!

41. 穿一件纸T恤和纸短裤  wear a paper T-shirt and paper shorts

42. 询问某人有关某事  ask sb. about sth.

43. 穿着纸衣服  wear paper clothes

44. 穿了许多瓶子   wear a lot of bottles

45. 打听有关表演的事   ask about the show

46. 进展顺利       go well

47. 起初很完美。   It was wonderful at first.

48. 大雨   heavy rain

49. 太糟糕了  too bad

50. 汽车博物馆  the Car Museum

51. 许多很酷的小汽车  many cool cars

52. 去电影院  go to the cinema

53. 看一部新电影  see/watch a new film

54. 举行一个生日派对  have a birthday party

55. 遇见很多朋友  meet many friends

56. 洗车  wash his car

57. 用升/降调  use rising/falling intonation

以上是威廉希尔app 为大家准备的六年级上册英语Unit3重点短语梳理,希望对大家有所帮助。



总结六年级英语上册Unit 3重点知识


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