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1. carefully 仔细地,认真地2.   ask    问,询问3.question 问题

4 actively 积极地,活泼地5, make  做,制作6.noise 声音,噪音

7. eat 吃 8.  should  应该 9.   go 去,走 10.  early 早

11.mess脏乱,杂乱   12.  good  好的       13.  room 房间

14.keep 保持 15。  clean 干净的 16. set 摆,放 17.  home 家

18.  too也,又,过于 19.. late 晚,迟 20. look看

21.  must 必须      22.  wait 等待23.  respect 尊敬

24 and   和,并且 25.  them  他(她、它)们 (宾格)

27.. young 年轻的,幼小的 28. children 孩子们

30..grass 草,草坪31.cross 横穿 32.  now 现在 33. spit 吐痰

34. ground 地(面),地上 35.  litter乱丢杂物 36.everyone每一个人

37. well 好地 38.  never从不  39.. sometimes 有时候

40 for 为了(介词)41.  classmate  同班同学 42. hospital   医院



1.      home/class rule         家/班规

2.  a good student  一个好学生

3. be quiet安静/ pick the flowers  .摘花

4.  obey the rules 遵守规则

5. come to school early 很早来学校

6.  make noise 制造噪音

7. in class 在课上

8. a group leader  一个组长

9. a list of  rules for the class/ a list of class rules 一个班规表

10.keep your desk clean 保持你的书桌干净

11. make a mess 乱扔乱放东西 12. go home too late 回家太晚

13. help to set the table帮助摆餐桌

14. respect old people and help them  尊敬老人并帮助他们

15. like to help to set the table喜欢帮助摆餐桌

16.  the whole evening全晚,整晚

17.watch TV till late 看电视直到好晚 18. read in bed 躺着看书

19. wait for the green light  等绿灯

20. go on the social studies field trip 进行社会实践田野考察

21.in front of the hospital 在医院前

22. want to tell people 想告诉人们

23 a busy street 一条繁忙的大街 24.  hold up         举起

25. a beautiful park 一个漂亮的公园 26. point to 指着。。。。。。

27. feel hungry  感觉饿

28. keep off the grass     不进入草坪

29. take good care of young children 照顾好小孩

30. play on the street   在街上玩

31. spit on the ground  随地吐痰

32.  tell sb to do sth   告诉某人做某事  33.  throw the banana skin  扔香蕉皮

34 make a mess乱扔乱放东西

35. go  home    回家

36.  keep off   不进入


1.What   are     his classmates     doing      now?(do)

2.She      dances (dance)in class.

3.He  is making    (make) a dress for me.

4..She usually speaks and   makes   noise in class.

5. Are    you often late for class?

6.Amy is a friend ofhers .(her)



1)Ms Li  is  good  teacher.

Ms Li  is a good  teacher.

2)He often makes mess in his room.

He often makes a mess in his room.

3)He don’t like to help to set the table.

He doesn’t like to help to set the table.

4)Tom very late go to bed.

Tom goes to bed very late.

以上是威廉希尔app 为大家准备的六年级英语上册第一单元重点知识,希望对大家有所帮助。





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