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小学是我们整个学业生涯的基础,所以小朋友们一定要培养良好的学习习惯,威廉希尔app 为同学们特别提供了六年级英语上期中复习之特殊疑问词及其用法,希望对大家的学习有所帮助!

1. How long 问,长度(metre/kilometre)答

How long is the Great Wall? It’s about six thousand seven hundred kilometers.

2. How big 问,人口(people)答

How big is Beijing? Beijing’s got about fourteen million people .

3.How many 问,数字+名词复数答。

How many countries are in the UN? 191 countries are in the UN.

4. Where问,地点/方向答

Where’s New York? It’s in the east of America.

5.When 问,时间答

When is the UN building open? The UN building is open at 9:45.

6.What time 问,钟点答。

What time is it? It’s ten to five.

7. What…doing 问,动词ing答

What are you doing ? I’m sending an email.

8. What(is…的hobby)问,爱好答

What is your hobby? Collecting stamps is my hobby./I like collecting stamps.

9. What…do问,动词(事情)答。

What do you do on Thanksgiving Day? We always have a special meal.

10.Who 问,人物答。

Who can be your pen friend? Jim can be my pen friend.

11.Why 问,because 答。

Why can Jim be your pen friend? Because he can speak French.

12.What 问,物品答。

What is it? It’s a train.


What are you? I’m a pupil.

What 问, 节日答。

What is your favourit festival? Thanksgiving is my favourite festival.


What are they? They are pandas.



精选人教版英语六年级上Unit 3期中复习要点



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