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如何把小学各门基础学科学好大概是很多学生都发愁的问题,威廉希尔app 为大家提供了六年级英语下册期末词汇知识点,希望同学们多多积累,不断进步!一、中译英

5A & 5B

1.喜欢语文和英语 like Chinese and English

2.在周三上午 on Wednesday morning

3.周五下午 on Friday afternoon

4.得了感冒 have got a cold

5.感觉不舒服 feel ill

6.收集轮船的邮票 collect ship stamps

7.去购物 go shopping

8.叔叔阿姨 aunt and uncle

9.忙碌的一周a busy week

10.一个漂亮的小镇 a beautiful town

11.跳舞跳得好 dance well

12.触摸你的双脚 touch your feet

13.左右转三次 turn right and left three times

14.在十二点半 at half past twelve

15.度周末 spend the weekend

16.在11点20(英式)at twenty past eleven

17.谈论他们的周末 talk about their weekends

18.抓一条大鱼 catch a big fish

19.今天下午 this afternoon

20.一节有趣的课 an interesting lesson

21.欢迎回来 welcome back

22.住在一间新房子 live in a new house

23.所有的房间 all the rooms

24.在大树下 under the tree

25.在卧室里 in the bedroom

26.听音乐 listen to the music

27.唱首英语歌 sing an English song

28.做一架模型飞机 make a mobile plane

29.需要一匹马 need a horse

30.需要一些东西 need some things

31.从早到晚上 from morning to evening

32.在家学习 study at home

33.大声地哭 cry loudly

34安静地睡 sleep quietly

35.帮我学数学 help me with Maths

36.跳得高 jump high

37.下课后 after class

38.寻找我的报纸 look for my newspapers

39.加入我们 join us

40.和孩子们一起玩 play with the children

41.看图片书 read picture books

42.在小山附近 near the hill

43.教我们关于形状 teach us about shapes

44.太阳和月亮 sun and moon

45.做一朵纸花 make a paper flower

46.放风筝 fly kites

47.一个美国老师 an American teacher

48.一辆日本车 a Japanese

49.住在法国 live in France

50.一个法国艺术家 a French artist

六上 & 六下

1.大声地笑 laugh loudly

2.小声地说 say quietly

3.开心地问 ask happily

4.变得晴朗 become sunny

5.一个雨天 a rainy day

6. 国庆节假期 the National Day

7.下星期 next week

8.起初 at first

9.保持博物馆的整洁 keep the museum clean

10.在办公室里 in the office

11.去购物中心 go to the shopping centre

12.在地板上on the floor

13.在地上 on the  ground

14.使用太多石油 use too much oil

15.使用这个标志 use this sign

16.得到一本电子书 get an e-book

17.参观长城 visit the Great Wall

18.看报纸 read newspapers

19.几年前 a few years ago

20.弄脏办公室 make the office dirty

21.玻璃瓶 glass bottle

22.其他游客 other visitors

23.变得小心翼翼 become careful

24.收集旧报纸 collect old newspapers

25.在博物馆周围 around the museum

26.兴奋地问 ask excitedly

27.小心地开车 drive carefully

28.观看新闻 watch news

29.喝一点儿水 drink a little water

30.快速地穿衣 wear clothes quickly

31.遇见一位艺术家 meet an artist

32.轮到你了 your turn

33.喜欢甜食 like sweet food

34.变得富有 become rich

35.下一个计划 next plan

36.大而强壮 large and strong

37.小而弱 small and weak

38.好习惯 good habit

39.睡觉晚 go to bed late

40.完成我的家作 finish my homework

41.干净而整洁 clean and tidy

42.快速完成 finish quickly

43.健康饮食 healthy diet

44.需要一点食物 need a little food

45.需要几个鸡蛋 need a few eggs

46.道路安全 road safety

47.开始故事 start the story

48.为了保持安全 to keep safe

49.红灯 red light

50.在马路上 on the road

51.儿童节 on Children’s day

52.在7点开始 start at seven

53.重新开始 start again

54.一个有趣的国家 an interesting country

55.学习关于这个国家 learn about this country

56.欢迎游客 welcome visitors

57.下个月 next month

58.回去 go back to

59.多久 how long

60.环游世界 travel around the world

61.拍些照片 take some phones

62.我们的梦想 our dreams

63.在将来 in the future

64.爱护我们的牙齿 take care of our teeth

65.想成为科学家 want to be a scientist

66.学生们的梦想 the students’ dreams

67.一本旅游书 a travel book

68.回到无锡come back to Wuxi

69.一些坏习惯some bad habits

70.一点米饭 a little rice

71.昨天晚上 last night

72.遇见许多游客 meet many visitors

73.快速地走 walk fast

74.一个多云的日子 a cloudy day

75.全家照 family photo

76.学英语 learn English

77.几个小孩 a few children

78.如这个国家like this country

79.在一个月内 in a month

80.不整齐 untidy

81.得到这个消息 get this news

82.变得强壮become strong

83.认真地观看 watch carefully

84.告诉我你的习惯tell me your habits

85.一只小老鼠 a little mouse

86.一个快乐的假期 a happy holiday

87.穿他的新衣服 wear his new clothes

88.使用玻璃 use glass

89.变得虚弱 become weak

90.遵照计划 follow the plan

91.关心他 care about him

92.健康食品 healthy food

93.带来许多食品 bring much food

94.穿着纸衣服  wear paper clothes

95.去年儿童节 last Children’s day

96.回到日本 go back to Japan

97.一个强壮的小孩 a strong child

98.喜欢旅游 like travelling

99.关心他的父母 care about his parents

100.喜欢快餐 like fast food






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