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小学是我们整个学业生涯的基础,所以小朋友们一定要培养良好的学习习惯,威廉希尔app 为同学们特别提供了六年级英语下册复习知识点,希望对大家的学习有所帮助!

①play badminton打羽毛球 ② always do your homework总是做家庭作业 ③ dry the dishes after supper晚饭后擦干盘子④at the sports store在运动品专卖店⑤ make lunch 做午饭⑥last week上周⑦ before/after breakfast ⑧ once a year  一年一次⑨ wake up 起床⑩ twice a month  一月两次(11) lie on the grass 躺在草地上(12) in the sky 在天空 fly in the sky 在天空飞(13) fly a kite 放风筝  make a kite 制作风筝 (14) in summer 在夏天(15)   the different seasons 不同的季节 (16) green leaves 绿色的树叶(17) wear sandals 穿凉鞋(18) brush my teeth刷牙 (19) go swimming 去游泳(20) this afternoon 今天下午(21) in the morning/ afternoon / evening在早晨/在下午/在晚上(22)take off脱下 (23)put on穿上 (24) stand up 站起来(25)hurry up 快点(26) jump in 跳入(27)look at flowers看花 (28)call him on the phone 给他打电话(29) go on a trip一次旅行  go on trips 旅行(30)on the beach 在海滩上(31) in the ocean在海洋里 (32)in the lake 在湖里(33) in summer holiday 在暑假(34)look like 看上去像(35)surprise party惊喜派对 (36)have a party举行一次晚会 (37) at the airport在机场 (38) be good for 对…有好处.(39)an hour 一小时 (40at the gym在体育馆 (41) play with 和…一起(42) arrive at到达(43 be ready to 为….做准备(44) at the door 在门口 (45) ride a bike/by  bike  骑自行车(46) would like to 想干什么(47)be late迟到( 48)want to想要干什么(49)like to喜欢干什么(50) watch the game 观看比赛


buy----bought(买) teach----taught(教) think----thought(想)     win-----won(赢)        do----did (做)     lose----lost(丢失)

throw----threw(扔)  swim----swam(游泳)   have----had (有)

lie-------lay (躺)  say------said (说)  forget-----forgot  (忘记) begin------bagin (开始)bring-----brought (带来)eat----ate (吃)

go-----went(去)   is am-----was          are-----were

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