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在小学阶段掌握良好的学习方法对大家以后的学习大有帮助,威廉希尔app 为大家提供了小学英语语法知识点,祝大家阅读愉快。

1.        That is a chair. (变一般疑问句)

2.        That`s  my   teacher.

3.        This  is  letter  D.

4.        I`m  Alice.(变同义句)

5.        My name is Ben.

6.        I`m fine.

7.        Tom is here.(变一般疑问句)

8.        This  is  Bob.

9.        I`m  Li Lei. (变一般疑问句)

10.        Is this a book?(肯定回答)

11.        This is a pencil-case.(变否定句)

12.        Is  that her key?(做出否定回答)

13.        This is  a  pen  in English.

14.        It is an English book.

15.        This is my book.(复数).

16.        Is that a cat.(复数)

17.        Is that a cat?主(变复数)

18.        His baseball is under the table. (变一般疑问句)

19.        I go to school by bike.

20.        I often go hiking on the weekend. (变一般疑问句)

21.        She is drawing  a picture now.

22.        Is the cat eating fish?(肯定回答)

23.        I went to guangzhou last week.

24.        Jim  planted trees  yeeterday.

25.        It was  sunny yesterday.(变否定句)

26.        The apples are five yuan.

27.        There is a  T-shirt in the box.(变复数句)

28.        My mem cleans the  room every day.(变否定句)

29.        Peter is going to fly a kite next Sunday.

30.        My bag is red.

31.        This shirt is very nice.(变为否定句)

32.        What`s  the matter?(变同义句)

33.        Tom is tall,but denny is short.(改为比较句)

34.        He goes to work by bike.

35.        We are going to go hiking this Friday.

36.        I like white best.

37.        We are going to shanghai

38.        She is washing the clothes.

39.        The pens are in the pencil-case.

40.        He`s going to the Great Wall.(变否定句)

41.        It is an elephant.

42.        Miss Xu is a good teacher. (变一般疑问句,肯定回答)

43.        It`s our flag.

44.        The young girl is my sister.

45.        My name is Alice.

46.        She didn`t do homework yesterday.(变为肯定句)

47.        I`m from China.

48.        Tom is cleaning the classroom. (变一般疑问句)

49.        She often washes the clothes. (变一般疑问句)

50.        These are maps.(变为单数)

51.        This is a beautiful bee.

52.        Is there a book in the deak?(变成复数句)

53.        There are four chairs in the dinning room.

54.        Can you play football?(否定回答)

55.        Xiao ming likes drawing. (变一般疑问句,否定回答)

56.        My mother works in a hospital.

57.        Ma Na`s  uncle live in beijing.

58.        They walk in the street every evening.

59.        I often go swimming on Sundays.

60.        Mark doesn`t like playing the piano.

61.        Is your father going to see your uncle?(变肯定句)

62.        The children are going to the zoo next weekend.

63.        I did my homework yesterday evening.

64.        Miss Li saw the boy this morning.(变一般疑问句)

65.        Lily ang Lucy went ice_skating yesterday.

66.        It`s seven o`clock.

67.        I can see three pencils in the pencil-case.

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小学英语语法知识点 there be结构

小学英语语法知识点some /any的用法 


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