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17. Sarah is angry.(Sarah很生气。)

18. The cat is afraid.(这只猫很害怕。)

19. Sarah and the cat are worried.(Sarah和这只猫很担心。)

20. They are happy.(他们很开心。)

21. I am sad.(我很难过。)

22. -What should I do?(我应该做什么?)

-You should see a doctor.(你应该去看医生。)

23. -How does Oliver feel now?(Oliver现在感觉怎么样?)

-He feels happy.(他感到很高兴。)

1. -How tall are you?(你有多高?)

-I’m 1.61 metres./I’m 161 centimetres(厘米).(我有1.61米。)

2. -How old are you?(你有几岁了?)

-I’m(=I am) 12 years old.(我有12岁了。)

3. -How heavy are you?(你有多重?)

-I’m 52 kilograms(kg).(我有52公斤。)

4. -You are older than me.(heavier, younger, taller, shorter, thinner)


5. That’s the tallest dinosaur in this hall.(那是这个展厅里最高的恐龙。)

6. It’s taller than both of us together.(它比我们两个加起来还要高。)

7. -What size are your shoes, Mike?(你穿几码的鞋子,Mike?)

-My shoes are size 37. (我的鞋子是37码的。)

(-I wear size 37 shoes./Size 37.)

8. Your feet are bigger than mine(=my feet).(你的脚比我的大。)

My arms are longer than yours(=your arms).(我的手臂比你的长。)

9. -How was your weekend/holiday?(你周末/假期过得怎么样?)

-It was fine, thanks.(很好,谢谢。)

(-It was good, thank you./It was OK, thank you./It was fun, thanks.)

10. -What did you do?(你做了什么?)

-I stayed at home with your grandma.(我和你奶奶呆在家里。)

11. -What did you do last weekend?(你上个周末做了什么?)

-I saw a film.(我看了一场电影。)

12. -Did you have a cold yesterday?(你昨天感冒了吗?)

肯定回答:Yes, I did.(是的。)                            Did 开头提问的句子,

否定回答:No, I didn’t.(没有。)                           后面的动词用原形。

13. -Where did you go last Saturday?(你上周六去哪里了?)

-I went to a forest park.(我去了一个森林公园。)

-How did you go there?(你怎么去那里的?)

-I went there by car.(我们开车去的。)

-What did you do there?(你在那里做了什么?)

-I rode a bike.(我骑了自行车。)

14. It looks like a mule.(它看起来像头骡子。)

15. There was no library in my old school ten years ago.


There were no computers or Internet in my time.


Now, there is a new library in my school.(现在我的学校有一个新的图书馆。)

16. Tell us about your school, please.(请给我们讲讲你的学校吧。)

17. -How do you know that?(你怎么知道的?)

-I looked it up on the Internet.(我上网查阅的。)

18. Before, I was quiet. Now, I am very active in class.


19. I couldn’t ride my bike well before. Now, I go cycling every day.


20. I love to ice-skate.(我爱滑冰。)        love/like+动词ing   love to/like to+动词原形

21. 判断动词过去式的标志词:

yesterday(昨天)  last weekend(上个周末)  last night(昨晚)  last Monday(上周一)

last+星期   the day before yesterday(前天)  last month(上个月)  last year(去年)  before(之前)  ...ago(......以前)  last holiday(上个假期)  did

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