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威廉希尔app 为您编辑了:2014 年小学六年级英语重点短语(2),欢迎大家查看愉快!


51. be located (in/on/at) 位于

52. be made of 由……制成

53. be made up of 由……组成

54. be on "上演, 上映"

55. be pleased with 对……满意

56. be proud of 为……而感到自豪

57. be/get ready for 为……作准备

58. be surprised at 对…...感到惊奇

59. be thankful to sb. 对某人很感激

60. be/get used to+v-ing 习惯于

61. be worried/serious about 为……而担心

62. because of=thanks to 由于

63. belong to 属于

64. break out 爆发

break into "闯入, 破门而入"

65. by air mail 寄航空邮件

66. by bus 乘公共汽车

67. by oneself 亲自

68. by phone 打电话

69. by the way 顺便说;顺便问一下

70. call on 拜访

71. care for 照顾; 喜欢

72. carry out 执行

73. catch (a) cold 着凉;伤风

catch up with 赶上(或超过)

74. change one's mind 改变主意

75. check in 办理登机

76. come across 被理解; 遇见

come back 回来;想起来

77. come from 出生于;来自

78. come on 快;走吧;跟我来

come out 出来;(书等)出版,发行

79. come to an end 结束

80. come to know 知道

81. come to life 显得逼真; 苏醒

82. come true 实现

come up with追上;赶上;想出(主意);找出(答案)

83. communicate with 与……交流

84. compare with 与……比较

congratulate …on… 祝贺……

85. cover an area of 占地面积

86. cut down 砍倒

87. deal with 处理

88. depend on "依靠,依赖"

89. die of 因……病而死

different from 与……不同

90. do one's best 尽最大努力

91. do sb. a favour 帮某人忙

92. do some shopping 买东西 (cleaning)

93. do with 处置, 处理

94. dream of 梦见

95. dress up 穿着打扮

96. each other 互相

97. eat up 吃光, 吞噬

earn one’s life 谋生

either… or… 或者……或者……

98. enjoy oneself 过得愉快

99. enter for 报名参加

even if / thought 即使;尽管

100. fall off 从…...跌落





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