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【摘要】我记得很多英语老师都说过:“英语的学习是没有捷径的,只有多看、多写、多听和多练才能提高”。威廉希尔app 小学频道为此提供了六年级英语复习重点,希望可以作为大家复习的参考!


1、a lot of questions 一些问题

2、public signs 公共标志

3、they mean different things 他们意思不同

4、different things 不同的事物(东西)

5、What does it mean? 它是表示什么意思?

6、You must stay away from the building. 你必须远离那幢建筑物

7、Keep off the grass 不要践踏草地

8、walk on the grass 走在草地上

9、on the bird’s cage 在鸟笼上

10、Keep quiet. 保持安静

11、make noise 制造噪音

12、I know a lot about public signs 我明白许多公共标志(的意思)

13、No smoking 禁止吸烟

14、No littering 禁止乱扔杂物

15、No parking 禁止停车

16、No cycling 禁止骑车

17、Danger! 危险

18、No eating and drinking 禁止吃喝

19、Do not touch 禁止触摸

20、take a walk 散步

21、a ten yuan note 一张10元钱

22、look around 环顾四周

23、pick up 拣起

24、The park keeper comes up to him. 公园管理者追上他

25、point to 指向

26、fine 罚款


1、after school 放学

2、talk about 谈论

3、What date is it today? 今天几月几号

4、come soon 快到了

5、Would you like to come to my birthday party? 你愿意来我的生日聚会吗?

6、have a birthday party 举办生日聚会

7、When`s your birthday? 你生日几月几号?

10、My birthday’s on the…of…

9、What would you like as a birthday present? 你想要什么样的生日礼物?

10、I`d like… 我想要…

11、Would you like a VCD of Japanese cartoons? 你想要一盘日本卡通的VCD吗?

12、Let`s wait and see 让我们等一下看看

13、birthday party 生日聚会

14、birthday cake 生日蛋糕

15、birthday present 生日礼物

16、take off 脱下

17、blow out 吹灭

18、It`s time for+名词 是做什么的时候了

It`s time to+动词 是做什么的时候了

19、take a piece of paper 拿出一张纸

20、fold it in half 把它对折

21、in the bay 在沙滩上


1、a video recorder 一台录象机

2、a mobile phone 一部手机

3、a pair of glasses 一副眼镜

4、a handkerchief 一副手帕

5、a CD walkman 一台CD机

6、a roll of film 一卷胶卷

7、It isn`t there now 它现在不在那

8、It was there a moment ago. 它刚才还在那

9、It was there just now. 它刚才还在那

10、Sports Day 运动日

11、a running race 一项赛跑比赛

12、take some photos 照一些照片

13、look for 寻找

14、Let me see. 让我看看

15、Where is it now? 它现在在哪?

16、on the ground 在地上

17、Can you pick them up for me? 你能为我把他们捡起来吗?

18、Try to remember where the things are? 试图记住这些东西在哪?


best(原形)________ foggy(名词)________

their(宾格)________ stop(过去式)_______

ate(同音词)_______ warm(比较级)______

ours(单数)_______ sun(形容词)________


1. Was it s_____ yesterday? No, it was r_____

2. What`s the w_____ like in Nanjing? It`s very n_____

3. Which s_______ do you like best? S_____

4. Why do you l____ summer best? Because it`s h______, I can go swimming

5. Who runs f___ than you in the class? Su Hai runs faster than m____

6. Is a______ the best season in New York? Yes, people like to go to farms in c_____

7. Excuse me, Where`s the History M_______? Go along this street, then turn l____ at

the next crossing. You can find it on your r_____

8. In s____, the Trees t____ green, and the flowers start to g_____.







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