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2016年六年级上册英语unit 8检测题(新广州版)



3) 语音题

A. 选出划线部分读音与其余三个不同的单词

( )1. A.study B.subject C.pupil D.Sunny

( )2. A.than B.other C.weather D.three

( )3. A.season B.last C.because D.thousand

( )4. A.cool B.food C.foot D.soon

( )5. A.stayed B.helped C.washed D.asked

B. 选出重音与其他三个不同的单词

( )6.A.become B.ago C.into D.surprised

( )7.A.memorial B.scientist C.inventor D.renew

( )8.A.eagle B.degree C.prefer D.inside

( )9.A.together B.yourself C.prepare D.population

( )10.A.forty B.fourteen C.borrow D.certainly

4) 用所给的动词的适当形式填空

1. What about _______ _(see) a movie?

2. _____ you _____ (clean) the room last Sunday?

3. He often________(watch) TV at home and he _______(watch) TV last night.

4. Don't _______ (get) up late every night.

5. Mike ________(not do) his homework last weekend and the teacher was very angry.

6. Last night my sister _______ (study)for her English test.

7. He wanted ________(go) ________(camp) with me yesterday.

8. My fatherr often ________(teach) me how to make a model plane.look, he ______

(teach) me now.

9. _____ you _____ (clean) the room last Sunday?

10. He often _______ (watch) TV at home and he _______ (watch) TV last night.

六年级上册英语unit 8检测题是对文章内容的检查,大家在做练习的时候,一定要仔细的阅读题目,练习题是提高成绩的重要途径,希望对大家的学习有一定帮助。》》》》》》点击进入【六年级英语同步练习】栏目,查看本单元更多更新的相关练习题!

相关推荐:新广州版六年级上册英语unit 8练习题  


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