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新广州版六年级上册英语unit 8练习题



二、 选择正确答语

( ) 1. What did he do yesterday?       A. Yes, she did.

( ) 2. Did she wash the clothes yesterday?   B. I went fishing.

( ) 3. What did you do last weekend?     C. No, I didn’t.

( ) 4. Did you went to the park?       D. He read a book yesterday.

( ) 5. What was the weather yesterday?   E. It was sunny.

三、 用所给词的正确形式填空

1. Some juice ____(be) in the bottle.

2. I see Jone walking _____(happy) on the road.

3. Be_____(care)!

4. She often goes _____(run) in the morning.

5. My friend is Tom. ____(He) brother is a bus _____(drive)

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