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要想在考试中取得好成绩就必须注重平时的练习与积累,威廉希尔app 为大家整理了六年级英语下册同步试题,小朋友们一定要仔细阅读哦!


(    ) 1、 What do you want ____ ?

A. eat   B. eating   C. to eat

(    ) 2 、How ____ is it ? It’s $ 20.

A.many   B. much    C .old

(    ) 3、Look , it’s ____ outside .

A.raining   B. rainy    C .rain

(    ) 4、I am sending some __ .

A .photo  B. photos  C .photoes

(   )5、Children are jumping  ___  the water .

A .in    B on    C at

( )6、  are you going to go to school?                   ——At  half  past  seven.

A . When     B. What     C. Where

(   ) 7、    colas do you want? ----Four colas, please.

A .How many    B. How much    C. How

(   )8、I want ____ rice and chicken .

A .some   B .any     C .a

(  )9、I ____ a cola and Sam ____ a hot dog .            A. wants; want    B. want; wants   C. wants; wants       (   )10、The birds are    in the trees .

A. sing B. sings  C. singing

二、 按要求完成下列各题(15分)

Hot dog______(英译汉) enjoy your meal______(英译汉)


hot________(反义词)   shine______(ing形式)

飞走______(汉译英) look like________(英译汉)

to go_____  (英译汉)   we are ___________(缩略形式)


had  was  went  took  did  ate

rained  ran  were  wanted

is----     are----     do----      rain----    have----

run----    go----    want----     eat----     take----


1、We are                 (have) a party tomorrow.

2、It            (rain)tomorrow in Shanghai.

3、Lets      (put) the books on the floor.

4、Look!The girl           (water)the flowers.

5、What are you going           (do)?


(      )1.when are we going to have a picnic?

(     )2.what time is it now?

(     )3.what do you want to eat?

(     )4.how much is it?

(     )5.what’s the weather going to be like?

A.  It’s  going  to  be  sunny.

B.  It’s  two  dollars  and  fifty-six  cents.

C.  I  want  some  noodles.

D.  It’s  at  half  past  two.

E.  Next  week.

六、 连词成句(10分)

had     a     I     day    funny  (.)

------------------------------------------------------------------------photos    I    took    some      (.)


soon     going     It’s    rain       to     (.)


do   What   you    to    going   are     (?)


lots    ducks     There   were     of   (.)

七、将句子序号填写在横线上. (10分)

A.Hi        B.It’s twenty yuan.      C.A cola, please.

B.D.Thank you.    E.Yes, we have.

Waitress: Hello. Can I help you?

Tom: __________. Have you got a hot dog?

Waitress: __________.

Tom: OK. A hot dog, please.

Waitress: What do you want to drink?

Tom: __________.  How much is it?.

Waitress: __________.

Tom: Here you are.

Waitress: __________.Enjoy your meal!


On Sunday morning. The sun is shining. We have no classes.We are playing in the park. Some girls are singing and dancing under a big tree. Some boys are climbing the hill. Tom is drawing near the lake.       Mike and John are swimming in the lake. Where are Betty and Mary? They are sitting under a small tree. They are reading a book. We are very happy.

(   )1. Today we haven't got classes . .

(   )2.We are  playing  in  the  park.

(   )3.Some girls are climbing the hill.

(   )4.Betty and Mary are sitting under a tall tree.

(   )5. Betty and Mary are reading a book.


My sister Betty is a shop assistant in the supermarket. She goes to work by bus. It takes her twenty minutes to go to the supermarket. Her work begins at nine in the morning. She works hard. She likes to help people in the supermarket. They usually buy many kinds of things,such as food, drinks, school things,clothes, computers and so on. She usually goes home late in night.

1. Where does Betty work?


2. How long does it take Betty to go to the supermarket?


3. How does Betty go to work?


4. When does Betty begin to work?


5. Does Betty usually go home late at night?

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