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A. closed B. opened C. opens D. closes

( )16. There_____a football game on TV this afternoon and I’m going to _____it.

A. is going to have, watch B. has, see

C. is going to be, look at D. is going to be, watch

( )17. My mum is _____in our family.

A. busier B. the busiest C. busiest D. the most busy

( )18.---____come to have supper? ----Thank you! I’d love to.

A. Would you like to B. Are you like

C. Shall we love to D. Could you like

( )19.---I’m sorry I can’t do it. ---___________.

A. Not at all B. You’re welcome

C. It doesn’t matter D. Well done

( )20.I get up _____a quarter to six______a hot morning.

A. at, in B. at, at C. on, on D. at, on

2) 选出画线部分读音与其余三个不同的单词

1. ( ) A. food B. school C. room D. foot

2. ( ) A. wanted B. closed C. played D. listened

3. ( ) A. many B. animal C. apple D. man

4. ( ) A. knife B. thank C. night D. funny

5. ( ) A. boxes B. oranges C. shoes D. watches






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