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A. on foot, on bike B. on feet, by bike C. on foot, by bike

( )9. I live __________Friendship Road_________No.2.

A. in, at B. at, at C. in, in

( )10. Since you live so___________school, let me drive you there.

A. near B. short from C. far from

( )11. Can you see________horses in the park?

A. some B. any C. of

( )12. He often _____________in the evenings.

A. go to swim B.swim C. goes swimming.

( )13. You want to write to Kelly Hunter. What do you write on the left first?

A. Miss Kelly B. Dear Hunter C. Dear Kelly

( )14. --- What is your favourite _________?---Summer. I like swimming very much.

A. festival B.season C.month

( )15.--- Can I use your bike for a while?

--- Yes. You may use________bike. Tom’s bike is here. I can use________.

A.my,mine B. mine, his C. my, his

   ( )16. – What’s on the plate? -- There_________some bread on it.


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