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如何把小学各门基础学科学好大概是很多学生都发愁的问题,威廉希尔app 为大家提供了六年级英语下册单元同步练习题,希望同学们多多积累,不断进步!


(   ) 1.point    boy      (   ) 2.toy    day     (    ) 3.thinner    bigger

(   ) 4.size    think      (   ) 5.wear   tail


1. 写出下列词的比较级。

big ________   thin ________   fat ________  funny _________  happy ________     heavy _______  strong ________   small ________ tall ________

2、meter(复数) ________ foot (复数)________  I(宾格)______  do(第三人称单数)______

know(同音词) ________  your(名词性物主代词)_________  tall(反义词)________

older(反义词)_________   mother(对应词)_______   centimeter(缩写形式)_______



(   ) 1. A.tall             B.funnier              C.thin

(   ) 2. A.kg             B.m                   C.cm

(   ) 3. A.foot            B.shark                C.seal

(   ) 4. A.stronger         B.longer               C.big

(   ) 5. A.father           B.smaller              C.thinner

(   ) 6. A.pen             B.man                C.pencil

(   ) 7. A.banana          B.apple               C.tomato

(   ) 8. A.tall             B.what                C.where

(   ) 9. A.tiger            B.longer               C.lion

(   ) 10. A. Amy          B.her                  C.your


(   ) 1. ______ you taller than Mike?     A. Is          B. Am           C. Are

(   ) 2. Mu Lan _____ taller than Amy.    A.am         B.is             C.are

(   ) 3. How _____ is your mother?       A.older       B.big            C.old

(   ) 4. I’m taller than _______.          A.your       B.you            C.yours

(   ) 5. She is 170 _____ tall.           A.cm         B.m             C.mm

(   ) 6. The tiger is ______ than the cat.    A.biger      B.large          C.bigger

(   ) 7. My legs are longer than _____.     A.you       B.yours          C.your

(   ) 8. The coat is 50 yuan cheaper _____ hers.    A.then      B.than      C.that

(   ) 9. He is older than _____.           A.me        B. I         C.my

(   ) 10. Line ____ from younger to older.    A.up        B.to        C.at

(   ) 11. I’m taller and ______ than you.    A.heavier      B.heavyer      C.heavy

(   ) 12. _____ tail is longer.      A. It         B. It’s         C. Its

(   ) 13. __________? ----I’m 1.60 meters.

A. How heavy are you?    B. How old are you?     C. How tall are you?

(   ) 14. _____ one do you like?     A. Who         B. Which        C. What

(   ) 15. Can the birds swim?    A. Yes, they can.   B. No, they aren’t.  C. Yes, they can’t

(   ) 16. _____. How can I get to the bus stop?  A. Excuse me   B. I’m sorry   C. Thank you

(   ) 17. Whale can dive ______ the deep cold water.   A.on     B.for      C.into

(   ) 18. How tall are you?--- I’m ______.   A.161 cm tall    B.35 kg      C.12 years old

(   ) 19. Zhang Peng is _____ than his sister.    A.old      B.longer       C.shorter

(   ) 20. What’s the weather like in Shanghai?---- ___________.

A. It’s sunny.       B. It’s sun.           C. It’s Sunday.

(   ) 21. How are you? ________   A. Thank you.    B. I’m fine.       C. Thanks

(   ) 22. What does your aunt do?---- ____________

A. She is a policemen      B. She is a nurse.     C. She is pretty

(   ) 23. Can I speak to Miss Li, please?---________.

A. Sure. Please hold on.       B. Yes         C. She is listening to music

(   ) 24. The monkey’s tail is 36 cm _______.   A.long     B.small      C.big

(   ) 25. _____ are you going?--- I’m going to the cinema.  A. How   B. Where    C. When

(   ) 26. I am 158 cm tall,but you are 155cm.So_____________.

A.I am taller than you .  B.I am shorter than you.   C.You are 3 cm taller than me.

(   ) 27 How _______are your feet? I wear size 19.    A.big     B.long     C.heavy

(   ) 28. The boy is 45 kg.The girl is 40 kg.Which one is wrong(错误的)?

A. The boy is bigger than the girl.  B.The girl is stronger than the boy.

C.The boy is heavier than the girl.

(   ) 29. Chen Jie is three years older than Amy.Which one is right(正确的)?

A.Chen Jie is 10,and Amy is 10,too.  B.Chen Jie is 10,and Amy is 7.

C.Chen Jie is 7,And Amy is 10.

(   ) 30. Tom is 160cm tall.His brother is 7cm taller than Tom.How tall is his brother?

A.155cm.         B.153cm        C.167cm.

(   ) 31. Line up ______ shorter ______ taller.  A.go, to     B.come, to     C.from, to


(   )How heavy are you ?     A. I'm 47kg.

(   )How old are you ?     B. I wear size 17.

(   )How big are your feet?    C. I'm 165 cm.

(   )How long are your legs?       D. My legs are 76cm.

(   )How tall are you?     E. I'm 13 years old.


1. Mike:  How _______ _________ you ?

Amy:  I’m 40kg.

Mike:  I’m 35kg . I’m ___________ __________ you.

2. Sarah: _________ __________ __________ you ?

Liu Yun: I’m 165cm.

Sarah: I’m 160cm. You’ re _______ cm ________ _________ me.


(   ) 1. Which dog is stronger?             A. No, she isn’t.

(   ) 2. How heavy are you?               B. I’m 50 kg.

(   ) 3. Do you like the brown one?         C. I wear size 18.

(   ) 4. How big are your feet?             D. The brown one is stronger

(   ) 5. Is Sarah taller than Amy?           E. Yes, I do. X


1.who, taller, is, you, than ( ? )(连词成句) ______________________________

2. Sarah is 160 cm.(对划线部分提问) ____________________________________

3. Wu Yifan is taller than John.(对划线部分提问) _____________________________

4. I like the yellow monkey.(改成一般疑问句) ________________________________

5. His brother is 50 kg.(对划线部分提问) ___________________________________

6. He can catch the ball.(变成一般疑问句)_________________________________


Mary, Jane and May are very good friends. Mary is shorter than May, May is heavier than Jane. Jane is thinner than Mary. How old are they? Mary is 7 years old. Jane is 12 years old and May is 9 years old. They study at Qinglan Primary School. Mary likes English, Jane likes math and May likes music. They all study hard.


(    ) 1.There are 3 children in the story.

(    ) 2. Mary is shorter than May.

(    ) 3.Mary is heavier than Jane.

(    ) 4. Jane is the youngest.

(    ) 5. They are all good friends.



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