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如何把小学各门基础学科学好大概是很多学生都发愁的问题,威廉希尔app 为大家提供了2015年六年级英语下册同步检测题,希望同学们多多积累,不断进步!

一、 听问题,选答语

(  ) 1 A  I am happy    B  My legs hurts     C   I am excited.

(  ) 2  A  I am sad       B She is angry       C He is happy

(  ) 3 A  He’s tired        B  She’s excited     C  I have a fever

二 选择

(  )1 We are ______ We want to have a rest.

A  sad     B tired      C happy

(   ) 2 They are ______.   They  can’t find their pet.

A  sad      B  tired    C happy

(   ) 3 I have a new shirt, I am very ______.

A  sad      B  tired    C happy

(  ) 4 ----__________

-----She is tired.

A  How does john feel?    B How do Amy feel?

(  )5  What’s the matter with you , mom?


A My throat is sore    B Her  throat is sore.

三 、 从B 栏中找出A栏各句相应的答语,用线连起来。

1  How are you  ?                   A My nose hurts.

2 How do you feel?                    B She’s tired.

3 How does Amy feel?                  C I feel sick.

4 Do you feel sick?                     D  Fine , thank you.

5 What’s the matter?                    E No, I’m fine.

听力答案:1 What’s the matter?  My leg hurts

2 How does he feel ?  He is happy

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