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在小学阶段掌握良好的学习方法对大家以后的学习大有帮助,威廉希尔app 为大家提供了六年级英语同步练习试卷,祝大家阅读愉快。


(    ) 1. A. easy       B. carry       C. silly        D. patient

(    ) 2. A. tortoise    B. hare       C. here           D. monkey

(    ) 3. A. sat     B. brought       C. sad           D. went

(    ) 4. A. die     B. carry     C. appear         D. slow

(    ) 5. A. carry        B. take           C. proud        D. crash


hurry   fast   silly    slow   crashed    working  steady

cooked  hard   delicious

1. A hare ran very_________and _________ into a tree.

2. _________ in the field every day is _________work.

3. Why are you in such a_______? You are like that _________hare.

4. ________and ______ wins the race.

5. The farmer ________the hare and had a________ meal.


1. -----What are you doing?  ----I’m trying to ________ the bike.

A. riding          B. ride              C. rides

2. A: Don’t be________. Don’t race the hare. He’s very fast. You are slow. You can’t win the race.

B: I’m slow but I’m steady.  The hare is fast but he’s proud. I can win the race.

A. proud           B. careless          C. silly

3. Don’t ________ eat too fast.

A. be              B. is               C. 不填

4. The old man was very tired ________ he sat down and took a rest.

A. so              B. but              C. because

5. If you want to win the game, you should be ________.

A. careless         B. care              C. careful



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