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如何把小学各门基础学科学好大概是很多学生都发愁的问题,威廉希尔app 为大家提供了小学六年级英语同步练习卷,希望同学们多多积累,不断进步!



(   )1. A. teeth       B. tooth       C. sweet       D. rest

(   )2. A. take       B. let         C. late         D. leave

(   )3. A. worry      B. wrong      C. work        D. write

(   )4. A. morning    B. evening     C. afternoon    D. bedtime

(   )5. A. you        B. him        C. her         D. them

(   )6. A. shouldn’t    B. can’t       C. doesn’t      D. don’t

(   )7. A. some       B. any         C. may        D. many

(   )8. A. China       B. chat        C. card        D. check

(   )9. A. eat sweets   B. brush teeth   C. drink water   D. take medicine

(   )10.A. in the hospital              B. at home

C. in the library                D. at school


(   )1. A. You have a fever.            B. I have a fever.

C. She has a fever.             D. He has a fever.

(   )2. A. He should have a rest.        B. I should have a rest.

C. You should have a rest.        D. You shouldn’t have a rest.

(   )3. A. We live in Suzhou.            B. She lives in Suzhou.

C. I live in Suzhou.              D. He lives in Suzhou.

(   )4. A. I feel cold.                  B. It’s cold.

C. He feels cold.                D. She feels cold.

(   )5. A. You can go by bus.            B. We can go by bus.

C. He can go by bus.             D. She can go by bus.


1. You _________ eat too many ________.

2. You should ________ your teeth in the morning and ________ ________.

3. She ________ a __________.

4. She should ________ a ________ and take some __________.



(    ) 1. music     bus              (    ) 2. room     school

(    ) 3. play      table             (    ) 4. boy       toy

(    ) 5. from      do               (    ) 6. picture    like

(    ) 7. old       open             (    ) 8. meet      see

(    ) 9. take      make             (    ) 10. too      look


1.看医生 ________________________         2. 刷牙 __________________

3.就寝前 ________________________         4. 吃一些药 ______________

5.喝一些温水______________________        6. have a rest  _____________

7.eat too many sweets _______________         8. feel cold _______________

9.point at him______________________        10. have a toothache _________


(     )1.What’s wrong __________?

A. with him         B. with he      C. with she    D. with his

(     )2._______ do you feel now?

A. What            B. How        C. Who       D. When

(     )3.I can’t eat _________.

A. anything         B. something    C. any        D. some

(     )4.You should brush _______ teeth.

A. you             B. me          C. yours       D. your

(     )5. She ________ see ______ doctor.

A. goes; the        B. goes to; /      C. goes to; the   D. goes; /

(     )6. Why _______ he _______ a toothache?

A. does; has       B. does; have      C. do; have     D. do; has

(     )7. My mother _______ her legs.

A. hurts                B. hurt                C. is hurts       D. is hurting

(     )8. Oh, you’ve got a headache, _______ some medicine, please.

A. take                 B. taking             C. to take       D. Take

(     )9. I _______ ill.

A. is                    B. be                 C. am          D. are

(     )10. —I’m thirsty. —Here’s a glass of juice _______ you.

A. with                  B. of                   C. for         D. give


1. The girl _______(have) a lot of storybooks at home.

2. —What’s the matter with _______(she)?

—She has a __________(head).

3. You shouldn’t eat too _______(much) sweets.

4. She should take some __________(medicine).

5. —What should he _______(do)?

—He should ________(brush) his teeth.

6. —Why_______ Yang Ling _______(go) to bed so early?

—Because she is ill.

7. They shouldn’t watch TV or eat ice creams_______(too).


1. 海伦得了感冒,躺在床上。

Helen has a ________. She is in _________.

2. — 你怎么啦? — 我生病了。

— ________ wrong _______ you?

— I’m ________.

3. 刘涛,你现在感觉怎么样?

Liu Tao, _______ do you _______ now?

4. 放学了,让我们去弄点吃的。

School is _______. Let’s _______ something to _______.


1. I feel ill now. (对划线部分提问)

_______ _______ _______ feel now?

2. What’s wrong with your mother? (同义句转换)

What’s _______ _______ with your mother ?

3. Liu Tao takes some medicine. (改为一般疑问句)

_______ Liu Tao _______ _______ medicine?

4. She should do her homework first. (对划线部分提问)

_______ should she _______ first?


Helen: May I come in, doctor?

Doctor: Come in and sit down, please.

Helen: Thank you.

Doctor: What’s the matter?

Helen: I have a bad headache and a fever.

Doctor: Let me have a look.

Helen: …

Doctor: OK, I see. Here are some medicine for you. Go home and go to bed now.

Helen: Thank you, doctor.


(     )1.Helen is in the library now.

(     )2.Helen has a bad headache and a fever.

(     )3.The doctor gives a glass of water to Helen.

(     )4.The doctor wants Helen to have a good rest.

(     )5.Helen goes to school.

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