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在小学阶段掌握良好的学习方法对大家以后的学习大有帮助,威廉希尔app 为大家提供了六年级英语下册同步考试卷,祝大家阅读愉快。

一 用所给单词的正确形式填空10分

1.Li Ming_____(throw) the ball now.

2.Did you____(have) fun today?

3.Can you teach____(I) to play ping-pong?

4.Danny____(think) he could____(play) ping-pong.

5.What sports____(do) he play yesterday?

二 选出正确的答案20分

1.What’s your favorite sport?


A.I like swimming best     B.T-shirt and shorts      C.I go to the gym

2.Is this a girl or a boy?


A.Yes,it is               B.It’s a girl             C.It’s a girl or a boy

3.Tom_____ping-pong very well.

A.plays                 B.plays                C.playing

4.I always do my homework_____the evening.

A.in                   B.at                   C.on

5.Last night,we watched Bob____basketball.

A.played               B.to play               C.play

6.Do you know____?

A.he                   B.him                 C.she


A.Jenny’s               B.Jennys               C.Jenny

8.The player____the basketball.

A.catch                B.catches               C.catchs

9.Do you like the runners?


A.Yes,I do              B.I like                 C.Yes,I like

10.Where did you go today?


A.I went to the store      B.I go to the store         C.No,I didn’t

11.Do you have______ping-pong balls?

A.some                B.any                   C.one

12.Do you like this one_____that one?

A.and                 B.or                    C.to

13.Let’s ask Li Ming_____some help.

A.to                   B.of                   C.for

14.Look, Tom is____basketball.

A.play                 B.playing               C.to play

15._____ Monday we went to a restaurant.

A.in                B.on                    C.at

16.where did you ______?

I went to school.

A.did                B.do                      C.go

17. When did you go?


A. Yesterday         B.tangshan                  C.did homework

18._______did you go there?

I went by bicycle.

A. How                B. What                  C. Where

19. Did you ______ Chinese ?

A.learn               B.learned                 C.learns

20. The bag is too _______. I can’t carry it.

A.heavy                 B.easy                  C.light


(   )1.I   am going    in    a big trip.

A     B        C       D                改正(    )

(   )2. How     do     Lucy    feel.?

A       B       C      D               改正(    )

(   )3. I am sorry     too     hear      that.

A           B      C        D         改正(     )

(   )4. What    do     you do    last weekend?

A     B          C         D           改正(     )

(   )5. I am    4cm     tall     than Li Ming.

A      B       C          D            改正(     )


1. Let’s go to play ping_pang,tomorrow.


2. Are you ready to learn to play basketball?


3. We watched Bob play basketball.


4. He played so well this evening .


5. He plays basketball for fun on Saturday and Sunday



1. Where ________(do) you go yesterday?

2.  Danny _______(think) he could hit the ball this morning.

3.  Tom is ________(throw) a ball.

4.  He always ________(wear) a T—shirt , shorts and runners to play basketball.

5.  Would you like to  _______(learn) to play ping_pang?


Today was hot. I went to the farm with my parents. There was a river near the farm . I went to the river with my dog . We ran and played . Suddenly i dropped into the river ,“ help help  .....” . My dog jumped into the river and swam to me . Ten minutes later , I was saved . I  was grateful to him. We are good friends.

1. It was very______

A.cold     B.hat   C.windy

2. I went to the farm with my ________

A.parents     B.friends     C.teacher

3. I ran and played with _______

A. My cat   B.my dog    C.my sister

5. I was very grateful to my _______

A.mother    B.friend     C.dog


7:00 get up        10:00 play football     2:00 do homework



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