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在小学阶段掌握良好的学习方法对大家以后的学习大有帮助,威廉希尔app 为大家提供了六年级下册英语同步练习试卷,祝大家阅读愉快。



(   )1.A.chicken     B.hot dog    C.menu   D.noodles

(   )2. A.orange     B.apple     C. fruit     D.peach

(     )3. A.monkey     B.panda    C.bear      D.pear

(   )4.A.shorts       B.shoes    C.coats      D.colas

(     )5. A.six         B.seven     C.eleven     D.book


1.一个热狗                2.three dollars and five cents___________

3.在12点______________  4.have our favourite dish

5.在山上                 6.在池塘上

7.在这张照片上             8.有趣的一天

9.fly away                    10.have a lovely time


(   )1.We’re looking  ____ some ducks.

A. in         B. at       C. near

(   )2.She’s ____   her homework.

A. do        B. did       C. doing

(   )3. The  ____ are playing in the park.

A. child      B. childs       C. children

(    )4. ----How are you, Mike? You look so________.

----It's raining outside. I can't play football.

A. happy         B. excited        C. sad

(    )5. The ducks ________ in  the  water .

A,  is  swimming  B, are  swiming.  C are  swimming

(    )6.你想知道汉堡的价钱是多少,你会问:

A.How much is a hot dog?     B. Here you are.

C. How much is a hamburger?

(    )7. A  dog _______  under  that  tree.

A.  sleeping  B, is  sleeping  C, sleep

(    ) 8. I  want _______ some  tea ,please .

A. to  drink   B. drink   C. drinking

(    ) 9.I am going  to _____in my bedroom.

A. does  B. playing   C. rest

(    ) 10. How  much  is  it ?    It is ______.

A.thirteen   dollar   and   one    cents.

B.  thirteen   dollars   and   one    cents.

C.  thirteen   dollars   and   one   cent.

四、 连词成句。

1.hot  I  a  want  dog  please  (.)


2.do  want  what  you  eat  to   (?)


3. are  going to  when  we eat   (?)


4. It  snow  Harbin  will  (.)


5.sun  the  shining  is  (.)


6.cows  the  water  are  drinking (.)



(阅读  一)

Mother:Sally, can you help me,please?  I want to go shopping.

Sally : OK. Mum. What do you want to buy?

Mum : Some eggs,some oranges,some milk, and some chicken for supper.   What can we have for lunch tomorrow?

Sally : I don’t know.

Mother : Oh ,yes it is. Some fish.

Sally : Is fish very expensive ( 昂贵的)?

Mother :Yes ,it is. But dad likes fish.

Sally : What about some rice?

Mother : I want some nice bread.

Sally : OK. Let' s go.

(     ) 1. Sally and mum want to buy some food, some milk and some fruit.

(     )2. They want to buy some bread.

(     ) 3. Fish is cheap. ( 便宜的)

(   )4. Sally' s father likes fish.

(     ) 5.  Sally wants to have chicken and rice for lunch tomorrow.

(阅读 二)   I Can See You

John has a parrot. It is a nice bird. Everyday John says to it, “Hello! I can see you!” Soon the bird can say “Hello! I can see you!”

One day John is at school. A thief (小偷)comes into John’s room. He wants to steal(窃取) something.  A voice comes, “Hello! I can see you!” The thief  puts the things on the floor and runs away.


(  )1.John is a policeman.

(  )2. John has some birds.

(  )3. The thief wants to take some things away from the room.

(  )4. The bird can say some Chinese.

(  )5. The thief sees John and goes away.



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