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要想在考试中取得好成绩就必须注重平时的练习与积累,威廉希尔app 为大家整理了六年级英语下册第一单元同步练习,小朋友们一定要仔细阅读哦!


一. 找出画线部分读音不同的选项:

( )1.A. student B. computer C. music D. summer

( )2.A. holiday B. beautiful C. fantastic D. festival

( )3.A. parent B. parrot C. back D. happy

( )4.A. what B. want C. water D. wash

( )5.A. school B. good C. look D. classroom

( )6.A. how B. snow C. brown D. allow

( )7.A. saw B. draw C. law D. Australia

( )8.A. visit B. did C. like D. begin

( )9.A. with B. them C. maths D. their

( )10.A. you B. group C. soup D. would

二. 按要求写出下列各词:

1. go_________(过去式) 2. buy________(过去式)

3. watch_________(过去式) 4. angry_________(反义词)

5. interest________(形容词) 6. story_________(复数)

7. child_________(复数) 8. movie__________(同义词)

9. shop________(同义词) 10. enjoy________(第三人称单数)

三. 单项选择:

( )1.Hainan is one of the most beautiful ________ in China.

A. city B. cities C. country D. countries

( )2. _______you have a good time yesterday?

A. Does B. Do C. Did D. Were

( )3. She _______ Beijing last month.

A. is going to B. went to visit C. wanted to visit D. go to visited

( )4.Children like to ________ up late _____ the eve of the Spring Festival.

A. stay , at B. stayed , on C. stay , on D. stays , in

( )5.They______to Beijing next year.

A. will go B. wants to go C. went D. go

( )6.Which city is _________ , Sanya or Shanghai?

A. most beautiful B. the most beautiful

C. more beautiful D. the best.

( )7.He________this diary________Feb.8th.

A. write , on B. writes , in C. wrote , on D. write , at

( )8.They____ themselves in America last year.

A. enjoy B. will enjoy C. enjoyed D. enjoys

( )9.I_______to Shanghai with my family next week.

A. am going B. will go C. go D. went

( )10.We_______ his son on the street yesterday.

A. see B. sees C. saw D. will see

四. 用所给词的适当形式填空:

1. Who_______(eat)the cake ? I did.

2. I_______(see)him next Spring Festival.

3. She_________(watch)the TV programmes every day.

4. We are_______(interest)in the football match.

5. It snowed yesterday . They played with snow_______ .(happy)

6. The match is so_______(excite).

7. This is a _______(wonder)performance.

8. These people______(be)at home last night.

9. How did you_____(spend)your holiday?

10. Please______(stay)at home this evening . I have something to tell you.

11. The book is very _____(interest)and_______(excite).

12. I______(spend)lots of time on my work last Saturday.

五. 句型转换:

1. I was in Xi’an during my holiday.(对划线部分提问)

________ _______ _______ during your holiday?

2. My holiday was fantastic.(对划线部分提问)

_________ ________ your holiday?

3. I had a good time this summer holiday.(一般疑问句)

_______ ________ _________a good time this summer holiday?

4. They were in Harbin yesterday.(否定句)

_________ _________ _______in Harbin yesterday.

5. They enjoyed themselves.(同义句)

They________ ________ _________ _________ .

六. 补全对话:

A: Tom , why didn’t you go to school today?

B: Because I ________to see the doctor.

A: What ________wrong with you?

B: My head hurts.

A: ________ the doctor give you any medicine?

B: Yes , and he asked me ________at home until tomorrow.

A: _______you feeling better now?

B: Yes , a _______better now. Thanks.

七. 首字母填空:

We held the T _______ Day Celebration on the p ________ at two this afternoon . Our headmaster spoke a ________the meeting . He a _____ us to respect the teachers and s ______ hard for our country.

After the m ______ , Liu Mei and I w ________ to see Mrs. Wang with some flowers . She has taught at school for thirty y _______. We didn’t go home until i ________was dark.

八. 阅读理解:

Jane was spending her holiday in Canada .Two days ago she sent a letter to Mary and today Mr. and Mrs. Black received a card from her. “What does Jane say in her card , Mum ? Let me have a look .”Mary said .Jane said in her card, “I have visited lots of places .How are you all ? I miss you very much .” Mary stopped reading the card and said, “The card is much shorter than the letter . Her letter was full of interesting things . Let me read it to you.” “I went to Toronto by train .I stayed there some days and then went to the mountains . I have met a lot of young people there .They have climbed some mountains ,I have been to many famous lakes . I find Canada is much more beautiful than England .The restaurant here is very nice and I have made many new friends .I am having a wonderful time here.”

( )1.Jane sent a letter to Mary_________.

A. today B. the day before yesterday

C. yesterday D. three days ago

( )2.Jane’s letter was_________.

A. long and interesting B. short but interesting

C. long but not interesting D. short and interesting

( )3.In her letter Jane said that_______.

A. she met many young people in the mountains

B. she climbed some mountains with the young people

C. she had been in the mountains for the days

D. she met many young people on the mountains

( )4.Jane thought that________.

A. England was as beautiful as Canada

B. England was not so beautiful as England

C. England was more beautiful than Canada

D. England was not so beautiful as Canada

( )5.From Jane’s card and letter we know that________.

A. she didn’t like England

B. she didn’t make any friends

C. she was enjoying herself very much

D. she didn’t feel very happy



二. 1. went 2. bought 3. watched 4. happy 5. interesting 6. stories

7. children 8. film 9. store 10. enjoys


四. 1. ate 2. am going to see 3. watches 4. interested 5. happily 6. exciting

7. wonderful 8. were 9. spend 10. stay 11. interesting , exciting 12. spent

五. 1. Where were you 2. How was 3. Did you have 4. They were not

5. had a good time

六. went , was , Did , to stay , Are , little

七. Teachers’ , playground , at , asked , study , meeting , went , years , it

八. 1—5 BAADC

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