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C.buying  31. There are 12_____at the bus stop .

A. bus

B. ship

C. buses  32. _____is the cinema ? It’s near the bookstore .

A. Where

B. when

C. Who  33. I often go to school on foot , but I____ go by bus .

A. usually

B. often

C. never  34. Go straight _____five minutes .Then turn right .

A. at

B. for

C. on  35. My grandparents usually climb mountains _____4:00 p.m on Saturdays.

A. at

B. on

C. of  36. _____ Chen Jie go to the pet shop on foot ? No, she _____.

A. Does; doesn’t

B. Do; don’t

C. Is; isn’t  37. Tom , let’s _____to the zoo together .

A. going

B. go

C. goes  38. ______Amy and Ann watch TV every night ? No, they ____.

A. Does; doesn’t

B. Do; don’t

C. Are; aren’t  39. My father likes _____newspapers at night .

A. reading

B. reads

C. read  40. Last Sunday,Ken and I ________Mocky to a bookstore.

A. take


C. will take  41. It's _______________________cloth in the world.

A.most beautiful

B. more beautiful

C. the most beautiful  42. _____Mike doing homework ?

A. Are

B. Is

C. Does  43. Judy’s home is on the _____floor .

A. three

B. third

C. thirteen  44. When do we go to the party ? _____.

A. At 9:00

B. By subway

C. Tom  45. I’m going to the library ____Amy .

A. and

B. or

C. with  46. Do you often _____ magazines at night ?

A. reading

B. reads

C. read  47. Look, John is _____pictures .

A. drawing

B. draw

C. draws  48. Alice and Ann usually _______on Sundays.

A. clean the room

B. cleaning the room

C. cleans the room  49. I want to be _____teacher one day .

A. an English

B. a English

C. doctor  50. _____your mother a nurse? No, she is a teacher .

A. Do

B. Does

C. Is  51.Tom can _____kites.

A. make

B. makes

C.making  52. How many _____are there in your city ?

A. library

B. librarys

C. libraries  53.Thank you for____ to me .

A. telling

B. tells

C.tell  54. Look , there are many _____on the desk .

A. dictionarys

B. dictionary

C. dictionaries  55. Do you have _____comic books ?



C.some  56. He _________ his grandparents next week.

A. will visit

B. visited

C. visit  57. What_______you ______yesterday afternoon?I read an interesting book.

A. do do

B. did do

C. are do  58. Ken ________his old friend last week.

A. met

B. meets

C. will meet  59. We decided______________ it

A. to buy

B. buys

C. bought  60. What_______he doing? He's sleeping.

A. is


C. do






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