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以下是威廉希尔app 小编精心为大家分享的红对勾小学英语同步练习题(六年级)欢迎大家参考学习。

一、        英汉互译

1、拔萝卜                       2、国庆节

3、别客气                       4、下车

5、禁止吸烟                     6、on Christmas  Day

7.a lot of delicious food            8.what else

9.on the farm                   10.a moment ago


1、What ____(do)this sign  mean?

2. They  are at ______(Ben) birthday party.

3. The ________(one)of June is Children’s Day.

4. All the  students  are  very________(exciting) .

5.Would you like _____(watch) TV?

6. ______(Helen) bike  is  red.______(my)is  black.

7.New Year’s Day is _______(come)

8. There is a lot of_______(water) in the river.

9.  I ______(go)to  a party last year.


(   )1.______your glasses in your pocket just now?

A.Was            B.Were            C.Are

(   )2.Helen’s birthday is _______the 6th of May.

A.on             B.in              C.at

(   )3.Jim’s got a present ________Dad and Mum.

A.in         B.from      C.on        D.for

(   )4.My birthday is          the first of August.

A. in      B. on    C. at

(   )5.Halloween is           October.

A. in         B. on         C. to

(   )6.She danced in the music room after _________.

A. schools    B.the  school    C./       D.school

(   )7.I’d like a radio_______a birthday present.

A.for              B.as               C.of

(   )8.My brother has_______questions

A.lot of           B.a lots of         C.a  lot  of

(   )9.It ______there  a  moment  ago.

A.is            B.was          C.were          D.are

(   )10.____is the  first day of the new term.

A 、Sunday    B、The fifteenth  of  September

C、Monday     D、The first of September

(   )11.Ling Ping and I often________the  farm at  the weekends.

A.visit       B.visiting        C.visited      D.visits

(   )12.The boys are playing ______ football.The  girls are playing _____violin

A.  a,  a     B.,  the      C.the  the      D.,

(   )13.What did you do last Saturday ?   —          .

A.I watered flowers.     B.I listen to music.

C.I am playing football.

(   )14.Helen,come and sit next_______me.

A.on       B.in            C.to              D.of

(   )15.Can you open the box________me?

A.to         B.of        C.at         D.for

(   )16.I can’t find _____new shoes,Let ____go and ask ____

A my ,  my ,  her     B. my,   me,  hers

C my, me, her     D. me , my , she



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