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2014第一单元六年级英语同步练习由威廉希尔app 为您提供,供您参考。

( )1. A. factory B. school C. museum

( )2. A. window B. spring C. winter

( )3. A. first B. second C. four

( )4. A. playing basketball

B. playing chess

C. playing computer games

( )5. A. They are going to plant flowers.

B. They are going to plant vegetables.

C. They are going to plant trees.

( )6、A. wash clothes B. watch TV C . what colour

( )7、A. walk B. week C. work

( )8、A. turn right B. turn left C. go straight

( )9、A. police B. please C. pen pal

( )10、A. read books B. reading books C. reads books

二、Listen and choose听问句,选择合适的答句。(20分)

( )1. A. It’s next to the library.

B. Go straight.

( )2. A. I’m going by train.

B. I’m going to swim.

( )3. A. Because I can make a snowman.

B. It’s cold.

( )4.A.The sun shines and the water becomes vapour.

B. It comes from the vapour.

( )5. A. Yes, he does. B. No, she doesn’t.

( )6. A. I’m going to the cinema.

B. I’m going at 5 o’clock.

( )7. A. I like collecting stamps.

B. Me too.

( )8. A. I go there by plane.

B. It’s near the supermarket.

( )9. A. Yes, there is.

B. You can go there by the No. 15 bus.

( )10. A. He is a teacher.

B. He likes playing chess.



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