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( )9. ---------My mother is ill.


A. I don’t think so. B. Oh, my god. C. I’m sorry to hear that. D. /

III. 用所给词的正确形式填空。(12分)

1. Jack is ________ (tall) than his brother.

2. Betty looks __________(young) than her friend.

3. I think the weather in spring is _________(wet) than it is in winter.

4. Tom is _______ (heavy) than he was last year.

5. Grace is _________(old) than the other girls.

6. Who do you think is ________________(strong), Carl or Mark?

7. It is _________ (warm) today than it was yesterday.

8. Toronto is the __________ (large) city in Canada.

9. This is the __________ (big) apple in the bag.

10. Henry is the ___________ (weak) among us.

11. It was very hot yesterday but today is much ____________ (hot) than yesterday.

 12. Elephants are the __________ (heavy) animals on land.


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