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A. I am going to watch the basketball game.

B. I went to the park.

C. She is putting the ball in the net。

II 按要求写单词。(10分)

1 good(比较级) __________ 2 sport(复数)_________

3 don’t(完整形式)_________ 4 can(否定式)__________

5 first(基数词)___________ 6 dollar(复数)__________

7 big(反义词)___________ 8 light(反义词)__________

9 walk(过去式)_________ 10 taught(原形)__________


Do you have any shorts?


Is this heavy or light?


What is he doing?

What did he buy?

What’s the score? ________________________________

IV 翻译(20分)

1 These balls are five dollars. Those are two dollars.


2 I can throw the ball easily.


3 比分是多少?


4 你有短裤,但你有运动鞋吗?


5 你想学打羽毛球吗?


Ⅴ读短文,判断正(T) 误(F). (10分)

One day,Li Ming was playing with his friend Danny.They went to the gym. It was a sunny day.

“Let’s play ping_pong!”said Li Ming.


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