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【摘要】如何激发英语学习的兴趣、如何提高英语考试的成绩呢?威廉希尔app 小学频道为此提供了六年级下册英语课后练习题,希望大家在学习的过程体会到英语带给自己的快乐!

听力部分(共三大题 计30分)

一、Listen and choose.听音选词或词组。(每题2分,计10分)

1.Hello!May I speake toTim/Jin,please?

2.This is Jane/John speaking.

3.Hold on/Sit down,please.

4.That's my favorite movie/book.

5.Who's calling/speaking,please?

二、Listen and fill in the blanks.听录音,填空(每题2分,计10分)

Dear Diana:

We have to ______ to the hospital.Little Jimmy hurt his ______ this afternoon.Dinner is ______ the oven.Enjoy your ____.

Ps. ____ feed Max.


三、Listen and write words you hear, 听录音,写出你听到的动词,再把

Then write their past tense.(计10分)这些动词过去式写出来。


一、Read and choose the best sentences.读一读,选出正确句子(每题3分,计12分)

( )1.当你接电话时,如果想让对方等一下,你应该说:

A:Wait,please. B:Hold on,please.

( )2.当你在电话里想告诉对方你是王芳,你应该说:

A:I'm Wang Fang. B:This is Wang Fang.

( )3.当你在电话里想知道对方是谁,你应该说:

A:Who's calling? B:Who are you?

( )4.当你打电话想找李英时,你应该说:

A:I'm looking for Li Ying. B:May I speak to Li Ying?

二、Read and fill in the blanks with the correct forms of the words.


1.Su San _______(play)the piano yesterday.

2.Mike _____(get)up late this morning.

3.Mom _____ (buy)me a new skirt lat Sunday.

4.Miss Yang ______(go) to Wuhan last yesr.

5.Mr.Wang _____(have)breakfast at 7:30 this morning.

三、Read and write.读一读,写一写(每题2分,计28分)

What did you do yesterday?

Li Ming is a student is Guangming Primary School.He _____ in ____ 3,Grade 3 last yesr.Yesterday he _____(起床)at 6:30 and ______(洗脸)his face at 6:40.

He and his parents had breakfast at ____(家里)].Then he ______ to school.Classes started at 8:00.He _____ hunch at school at 12:10.Then he _____(玩游戏)with his classmates.School ____ over at 4:20.After school he _____(踢足球)with his friends.But yesterday he ____ or duty.He swept the floor first and then ____(锁门)the door.

After dinner,he ____(看电视).He ____ to bed at about 9:30.

四、Read and write T or F.

Mr Brown always went to a bar near his home,but he never took his son there because he was too young.One day when his son,Bill,was 18 years old,he took him there for the first time.They drank for about half an hour.Bill drank a lot,then Mr Broun said,"You must always be careful not to drink top much."

"But how do you know that you have drunk.(已经喝得)enough?"

"Well,remenber.Can you see those two lights at the end of the street?When they look like four,you have drunk enough and should go home."

"But,Dad",said Bill,"I can only see one light at the end of the street."

( )1.Mr.Broun always went to the bar with his son.

( )2.Bill went to the bar when he was eighteen.

( )3.We can see that Bill drank a little for the first time.

( )4.Mr Broun might be a teacher,and he taught Bill how to leam maths.

( )5.In fact(实际上)there were two lights at the end of the street.


一、1.Hello!May I speak to Jim,please?

2.This is John speaking.

3.Hold on,please.

4.That's my favorite book.

5.Who's calling,please?

二、go leg in dinner please

三、1.get-got 2.buy-bought 3.eat-ate 4.go-went


一、1.(B) 2.(B) 3.(A) 4.(B)

二、1.played 2.got 3.bought 4.went 5.had

三、was class got up washed 7:00 went had

played games was played football was locked

watched TV went

四、1.(F) 2.(T) 3.(F) 4.(F) 5.(F)_






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