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【摘要】如何激发英语学习的兴趣、如何提高英语考试的成绩呢?威廉希尔app 小学频道为此提供了六年级英语上册同步练习题,希望大家在学习的过程体会到英语带给自己的快乐!


1、I am Peter.


2、She is a teacher.


3、We are in the same class.


4、Some people speak English and Chinese.


5、Monkeys have long tails.


6、He has a lot of stamps.


7、Dad has a cold.


8、The sun rises in the east.


9、We have breakfast at 7:30.


10、Mum does the cooking every morning.


11、The children go to school by bus.


12、He could run as fast as me.


13、I did well in the test.


14、Mum makes a cake for me.


15、Dad will be back for dinner.


16、It is going to rain tomorrow.


17、He will make many new friends at the new school.


18、It is very hot on Monday.


19、Those are my best dresses.


20、I wrote a new story last week.


二、 就划线部分提问。

1、She is talking to my sister.

2、The book is my teacher`s.

3、My dog`s name is Nick.

4、It is two o`clock.

5、I like the blue bag better.

6、My T-shirt is blue.

7、His father works in a hospital.

8、Her mother was a doctor before.

9、I could come because he was ill.

10、The film “Harry Potter ” is wonderful.

11、They lived in Shanghai last year.

12、There are forty students in my class.

13、Tom will go to America tomorrow.

14、My grandmother is 80 years old now.

15、I have a bad cold.







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