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每学完一个单元的时候,就要多做一些同步练习。这样才能更有效的巩固自己学过的知识,威廉希尔app 小编为大家准备了关于小学六年级英语语法专项训练:代词练习同步练习,供同学们学习参考!


1. my___________ 2. your___________ 3. our___________ 4. her___________

5. their ___________6. his ___________ 7. its___________


1. I ___________ . 2. she___________ 3. he ___________ 4. you ___________

5. we ___________ 6. they ___________ 7. it ___________

三、用some 和any填空。

1.Is there _______ water in the cup? Yes, there is _________ water in the cup.

2.There are _______ cakes in the basket, but there isn’t ______ bread in it.

3.May I have ________ rice? Certainly, here you are.

4.There are _______ students in the classroom, but there aren’t _____ teachers.

5.Do you receive(收到) ________ birthday presents? Yes, I do. ________ of them are very beautiful.


1.Kim is an English girl._________ eyes are blue.

2.A chicken has two legs. ________ legs are short.

3.Are these ________ pictures? Yes, they are my pictures.

4.We are pupils. _________ books are new.

5.The shoes are new. I like __________.

6.Linda’s father is a postman, ___________ bike is green.

7.That is my pen. Give _____ to _______, please.

8.Give this book to Tom., please. Give ______ that one, too.

9.Kate wants a toy panda. Could you give ______ one.

10.Jim is an American boy. _______ father is Mr. Brown.

11.You must do _______ homework by yourself.

12.My name is Lin Mei. This is Jenny. This is Jane. All of _____ are girls. _____ are good friends.

13.A: Oh, dear, I can’t find ________ bike. B: Is that one over there_______?

14.This is Tom. ________ has a book. ___________is very interesting(有趣的)

15.Jim is a pupil.________ father is a teacher.

16.A: Dad, we can’t carry this bag. It’s too heavy. Can you come and help________? B: Ok, let me help _______ carry it.


1.Mike is Mary’s classmate. He is sitting beside him.______________________________

2.This is our classroom. There are fifty tables in them. _____________________________

3.Do they have any paper? No, we don’t. ______________________________

4.This is Jane. His mother is a teacher. ______________________________

5.Who is your father? He is a doctor. ______________________________

6.Is there not any water in this bottle? ______________________________

7.These are some potatoes over there ______________________________



六年级上册英语练习题《Winter Fun》

六年级上册英语练习题《Danny’s winter clothes》 

六年级上册英语练习题《Snow! It’s winter!》

六年级上How many are there?习题 

更多精彩内容请点击;首页 > 小学 > 六年级 > 英语 > 六年级英语同步练习


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