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六年级上册英语练习题《I want the best !》



学好英语就需要平时的积累。知识积累越多,掌握越熟练,威廉希尔app 编辑了六年级上册英语练习题《I want the best !》,欢迎参考!

一、Fill in the blanks:

Jenny wants to go to Xinjiang. It’s___ ______place in China. Tony wants to go to Harbin. It’s ___ _____ place in China. Jenny wants to go with Helen, Ann, Lily and Lucy. Lucy has ______ ______ hair of all. Lily has _______ ______ hair of all. Tony wants to go by train. Because the train’s ticket is ___ _____. And the plane’s ticket is _____ ______________.At last Tony can’t go to Harbin. Because he’s _____ _______ in the test. But Jenny can go to Xinjiang. She is ___ _____ in the test.

二、Answer the questions:

1. Which is the biggest supermarket in Shaxi?

2. Which is the biggest park in Zhongshan?

3. Which is the fastest train in China?

4.Which is the best noodles in Chongqin?

5.Which is the longest river in China?

6. Which is the coldest place in China?

7. Which is the hottest place in China?

8.Which is the tallest mountain in the world?

以上就是六年级上册英语练习题《I want the best !》,同学们,让我们快乐学习,不断积累,努力学习,提高成绩,奋力前行吧!


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