1. ___________ ________ (欢迎) our home.
2. It’s ________ ________ ___________ (第一次) in London.
3. This is ________ _________ __________ (最好的时间) to be in Britain.
4. Spring Festival is __________ __________ ______________ (最重要的) festival in China.
5. Christmas is ________ ________ _____________ (最流行的) festival in Britain.
6. At Christmas, people have _________ _________ (许多) parties.
7. At Christmas, the children __________ ________ _____________ (不用上学).
8. Father Christmas brings presents to ________ _________ ____________ (所有的孩子).
9. Father Christmas ________ ___________ _______ ________ ______________ (把礼物放到长袜子里) at night.
10. Look at ________ _________ ______________ (所有的礼物).
11. I think Father Christmas is _________ _____________ (太不可思议了)!
1. When is Christmas?
2. What is the most popular festival in western countries?
3. What is the most important festival in China?
4. What will Father Christmas give the children at Christmas?
5. What do people give each other at Easter?
6. What do children ask for at Halloween?
7. When is Halloween?
8. What’s your favourite festival?
以上就是六年级英语同步练习《unit16 work with language》,同学们,让我们快乐学习,不断积累,努力学习,提高成绩,奋力前行吧!
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