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【摘要】六年级英语同步练习对小朋友们的英语学习非常重要,大家一定要认真掌握,威廉希尔app 小学频道为大家整理了六年级英语同步练习精选题,让我们一起学习,一起进步吧!



( ) 1.A. areB. amC. arm

( ) 2.A. headB. handC. have

( ) 3.A. pigB. bigC. bag

( ) 4.A. bagB. bikeC. bed

( ) 5.A. fatherB. farmerC. far

( ) 6.A. hereB. thereC. where

( ) 7.A. [kAt]B. [kQp]C. [kAp]

( ) 8.A. [WANk]B. [WiNk]C. [Win]

( ) 9.A. threeB. thirtyC. thirteen

( ) 10.A. cheerB. chairC. sure


( )1.A. familyB. friendsC. picnicD. birthday

( )2.A. plantsB. animalsC. sportsD. grade

( )3.A. friendsB. familyC. classD. name

( )4.A. vegetablesB. fruitsC. meat D. drink

( )5.A. weatherB. nameC. clothes D. homework


It's Sunday. I go to hospital. I have a ① . So I go to see the ② . On the way home, I see a little dog. He's so small. He's even ③ than a cat . He looks very ④ . I think he can't find his home. So I take him home. I like him very much. I play with him . I'm so ⑤ . 四、听短文,判断下列句子是否正确,对的写"T"错的写"F"。4%

( )1.Alice is from American.

( )2.Her father is a teacher .

( )3.Her mother goes to work by car .

( )4.Alice has a twin sister .


( ) You can take the No. 19 bus .Get off at the bookstore. Then you can see it

( ) Thank you for your help.

( ) Where is the bus stop ,please .

( ) Go straight on and turn left . It's in front of the bank .

( ) Excuse me. Where is the Holiday Hotel, please?

六、听音,写出你所听到的句子,注意大小写及标点。(每空一词) 6%

笔试部分 60%


1. schoolteacher( )2. goodlook ( )

3. yellow loud( )4. rulercute ( )

5. knownow( )6. thatthanks( )

7. thispicture ( )8. motherwho( )

9.shorts odds( )10.shirtmirror( )

二、选出不同类的单词。(请将编号写在括号内) 5%

( )1. A. newspaper B. cinema C. magazineD. dictionary

( )2. A. yellowB. greenC. colourD. blue

( )3. A. EnglandB. ChineseC. ChinaD.US

( )4. A. hisB. heC. sheD. it

( )5. A. east B. rightC. northD.south

三、选择填空。(请将编号写在括号内) 10%

( ) 1. Where is Jake's home ?

A. I can go there on foot.B. Take the No.1 bus. C. Next to our school .

( ) 2. Is the cinema east of the bookstore?

A. Go straight .B. Over there.C. Yes ,it is .

( ) 3. What's the bookstore ?

A. We can play in it .B. We can borrow books .C. We can buy books .

( ) 4. What's your pen pal's hobby ?

A. he's swimming.B. He likes swimming. C. Yes, he does.

( ) 5. What are you going to do ?

A. on the weekend B. every weekend C. last weekend

( ) 6. What does your father do ?

A. He's an accountant .B. He's at school .C. He likes football

( ) 7. The monkey's tail is than the rabbit's .

A. longB. shorterC. longer

( ) 8. Tom lost his pen . He's sad . We can say he feels .

A. blackB. red C. blue

( ) 9.Where does he live ?

A. He lives in Ningbo.B. He live in NingboC. He Loves Ningbo.

( ) 10. What colour is blue plus yellow ?

A. redB. purpleC. green


1. from , rain , come , the , does ,where ( ? )

2. you , are ,going ,this , afternoon, what , to ,do (?)

3. on , foot , usually ,to ,go , I ,school (.)

4. sore ,have , and , headache, I ,a , throat , a (.)

5. your , taller , is , brother, you ,than , heavier ,and (.)

五、选择适当的单词,将它的适当形式填入空格。(每空一词,注意大小写) 5%

who's, friend, girl, at, its, name, she, collect , strong ,hobby

A: Yang Yang! Look ____ that picture. _________ that boy?

B: He's my new ________.

A: What's his _________?

B: His name is Joe.

A: What's his ?

B: He likes ________ stamps.

A: Is the ______ his sister?

B: Yes, ______ is. And that's their dog.

A: What's its name?

B: _______ name is Carl.

A: Oh, it's than mine.

六、 根据短文内容,判断正(T)误(F)。8%

It's Sunday . All the students of Class 1 are going on a trip . They are excited.

Miss White : look ! The elephants!

John : Wow ! Look at the big one . It's much bigger than others.

Wu Yifan : Yes , I think it's older ,too .

Amy : Look at the monkeys .They are funnier . But the little monkey is sad .Why ?

Sarah : Look at its tail . Its tail hurts . Its tail is shorter than the other monkey's .

( ) 1. The student are at the zoo on Saturday .

( ) 2. The bigger elephant is younger than others.

( ) 3. The monkeys are funny .

( ) 4. The little monkey is healthy.

( ) 5. The children like animals .

七、小作文 : 请以" and I "为题目,写一篇小短文,说说你和他或她有什么相同和不同,还可以写写你们的爱好。字数不少于30个词。12%



1. are 2.head 3.big 4.bike

5.father 6.here7. [kQp]8. [WiNk]

9.thirteen 10.sure


1. Who's that boy ? He's Zhang Peng . My new friend .

2.Which monkey do you like ? I like the brown one . It's younger .

3.How many people are there in your family ? Three.

4.-Have one more apple ,please . - No ,thanks . I'm full .

5.It's warm today . You can take off your sweater .


It's Sunday. I go to hospital. I have a ① headache . So I go to see the

② doctor . On the way home, I see a little dog. He's so small. He's even ③ smaller than a cat . He looks very ④ sad . I think he can't find his home. So I take him home. I like him very much. I play with him . I'm so ⑤happy . 四、听短文,判断下列句子是否正确,对的写"T"错的写"F"。

Alice is my new pen pal . She lives in Australia . There are 3 people in her

family : her parents and her. Her father works in a hospital . He goes to work by car.

Her mother has a twin sister . That is her aunt Mary .


1.Excuse me. Where is the Holiday Hotel, please?

2.You can take the No. 19 bus .Get off at the bookstore. Then you can see it .

3.Where is the bus stop , please .

4.Go straight on and turn left . It's in front of the bank .

5.Thank you for your help.


1. How are you , Liu Yun ?

2.You look so angry.

总结:威廉希尔app 为大家整理的有关六年级英语同步练习的内容就到这里了,希望大家学习愉快,学业有成。




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