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【摘要】小学六年级英语同步练习是学生们学习中的重要部分,学生们应该重视六年级英语同步练习,不断提高英语水平,威廉希尔app 为大家提供了六年级英语同步练习训练卷,希望对大家有所帮助。


I. 听录音,圈出你听到的单词或短语。(念两遍)

Keys: 1-5: CBCBA 6-10:DABCA

1. John's sister wants to be a firewoman one day.

2. Yao Ming is very tall, but he is not the strongest.

3. There is an accident, let's call 120.

4. When we got out of the building, the firemen put out the fire.

5. You should be careful. It's dangerous.

6. Don't forget to turn off the lights when you leave the room.

7. One night, Tom heard a loud noise.

8. Grandpa goes downstairs to get some milk.

9. When we eat, we should eat quietly.

10. After cooking, Mum always cleans the stoves.

II.听录音,用1、2、3 … 给下面的情景图画标出顺序。(念两遍)


1. When we got out of the room, we didn't take the lift.

2. We got out of the building and the firemen were there.

3. When I heard the fire alarm, I got up quickly and left the room.

4. We didn't call 119 because it was just a fire drill.

5. We walked down the stairs quickly.


Keys:1-6: C A E B D F

1. Call 119 when you get out of the building.

2. Get up quickly when you hear the fire alarm.

3. Don't play with matches when you are young.

4. Don't take your things when you leave the room.

5. Don't take the lift when you go downstairs.

6. Don't put clothes on lamps when you play.


I. 选择填空。

1-5: C B D C C 6-10: B A D A C

II. 用所给动词的适当形式填空,完成短文。

Keys: went, were, heard, left, didn't take, didn't take, walked, got, stood, were, took, left, ran

总结:威廉希尔app 为大家整理的有关六年级英语同步练习的内容就到这里了,希望大家学习愉快,学业有成。




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