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【摘要】小学六年级英语同步练习是学生们学习中的重要部分,学生们应该重视六年级英语同步练习,不断提高英语水平,威廉希尔app 为大家提供了六年级英语能力测试同步练习,希望对大家有所帮助。


1.heavy(比较级) 2.short(比较级) 3.happy(反义词)

4.foot(复数) 5.centimeter(缩写) 6.hot(比较级)

7.smaller(反义词) 8.kilogram(缩写) 9.easy(比较级)

10.up(反义词) 11.Hong Kong(缩写) 12.fat(比较级)

13.feet(单数) 14.centimeter(缩写) 15.little(比较级)


( )1.How Peter feel,Mary? A .is B .do C .does

( )2.Chen Jie is very , because her dog has run away,

A .bad B .sad C .happy

( )3.My friend likes picture. A .draw B .draws C .drawing

( )4.If you have a fever, you might have the . A .flu B .hurt C .stomachache

( )5.Sarah is sick.What should she not do?

A .Have a rest. B .Go swimming C .Stay in bed.


1.nicer, the, the, big, cat, one, is ,small, than(.)(连词成句)

2.Alice's pencil is 22cm long. Betty's pencil is 9cm long.(合成一个句子)

3.A killer whale is 3,600kg.(根据画线部分提问)

4.An apple a day keeps the doctor away.(译成中文)

5.How do you feel today?(根据实际回答)


Sam: Hello,Ted. You look perfect.You are fit now.How 1 are you?

Ted: I'm 50kg.You are 2 than me.You look taller than before.How 3 are you ,Sam?

Sam: I'm 165cm and 45kg.

Ted: Oh, you are 4 taller than me.But you are 5 thinner than me.Please eat more.

Sam:Yes,I want to be as fit as you.

( )1.A. heavy B .tall C. long

( )2.A.stronger B.thinner C.heavier

( )3.A.long B.tall C.much

( )4.A.10m B.10g C. 10cm

( )5.A.5kg B. 5cm C. 10kg

总结:威廉希尔app 为大家整理的有关六年级英语同步练习的内容就到这里了,希望大家学习愉快,学业有成。


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