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四、情景反应。(20分) A)根据情景选择正确的表达方式。(10分)

( )1.当你听说别人生病了,你应说:______.

A.I ’ m glad to hear that. B.I ‘ m sorry to hear that. C.That ‘ s great.

( )2.当你想知道计算机房在哪里时,你应问:_____

A.Where is the reading room? B.Where is the computer room? C.Who is in the computer room?

( )3.当你想知道别人的理想是什么,你应问:______

A.What will you do when you grow up? B.What do you do? C.What are you doing?

( )4.晚上睡觉前,你应对家人说:_______A.Good evening! B. Good night! C. Good morning!

( )5.当你想请求别人帮助时,你应说:____

A.Can I help you? B. Can you help me? C.What can I do for you?


( )1.How ’ s the weather today? ( )2.Are you washing clothes? ( )3.May I borrow your ruler? ( )4.What class is he in? ( )5.Who is the one in the middle? A.He is in Class 2,Grade 6.

B.Certainly,here you are. C .It ’ s snowy. D.He is John. E.No, I’ m drawing.


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